The public water supply doesn’t just provide drinking water, it’s also the water we use to take a shower, water our plants, and wash our pets. Water is essential, but the majority of our water supply is full of nasty compounds that are slowly destroying our health, whether we realize it or not. Without the proper filtration system in place, you are at risk of being exposed to a large supply of chemical toxins, including pesticides, pharmaceutical medications, and even animal excrements.
5 Nasty Things in Your Water
This post is not just meant to gross you out, it’s meant to inspire positive action in your own home. By reading the following facts about the water you’re drinking and showering in, you’ll be shocked and hopefully lulled into switching to a cleaner source of water. Here are some of the facts you need to know about the water you are exposed to every day.
1. Pesticides
Pesticide and fertilizer runoff is a serious concern in many states, especially recently for the Midwestern states. [1] Pesticides infiltrate every aspect of our life already; our food, clothes, and indoor environments are sprayed with the chemicals. Even if you are consuming an organic diet, not having the proper precautions in place for your drinking water can still, unfortunately, expose you to the toxins you are attempting to avoid.
2. Medications
Studies have consistently proven that our water supply is being contaminated with pharmaceutical medications. [2] Antibiotics and antidepressants are commonly found in trace amounts in drinking water these days, possibly contributing to a host of issues. Having antibiotics in your system for a prolonged period, for example, can increase the risk of becoming resistant to antibiotics, potentially compromising your future health in the rare case of illness. Antidepressants, when consumed through the drinking water in small amounts over a long period of time, may also affect brain chemistry.
3. Phthalate
Phthalates are common chemicals found in plastics, typically used to make the plastic more flexible. They are easily released into the environment, and research suggests they are carcinogenic. [3] Phthalates may also be to blame for negative effects on thyroid health which, in turn, affects hormones, weight, and mood. [4] Read more
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