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Sunday, January 31, 2016

The 9 Step Body Cleanse

The 9 Step Body Cleanse

The 9 Step Body Cleanse

Step 1: Fill out a Health Questionnaire to evaluate your current health status.
Step 2: Perform the Colon Cleanse Upon completion, continue to the next step.
Step 3: Perform your first Liver Cleanse Then rest for 1 week.
Step 4: Perform your second Liver Cleanse Then rest for 1 week.
Step 5: Perform a Kidney Cleanse Upon completion, continue to the next step.
Step 6: Perform the Harmful Organism Cleanse Upon completion, continue to the next step.
Step 7: Perform your third Liver Cleanse Then rest for 1 week.
Step 8: Perform the Chemical & Toxic Metal Cleanse. Upon completion, continue to the next step. 
Step 9: Fill out the Health Questionnaire again to evaluate your progress.

Ongoing: Reduce toxins in your home and work environment. You may also be interested in the Green Living Kit

Why You Need Full Body Cleansing

The 9 Step Body Cleanse

The best approach for addressing the root cause of poor health is through regular body cleansing. Degenerative health conditions typically result from your body becoming so contaminated with toxic waste that your internal self-healing mechanism loses its ability to keep your body healthy. Most people absorb thousands of health depleting toxins every day from meat, milk, genetically modified foods, microwaved foods, soy, alcohol, prescription drugs, stress, refined sugar, air, caffeine, water, toxic metals, vaccines, harmful organisms, stress, white flour, table salt, electromagnetic radiation, pesticides, artificial sweeteners, MSG (Monosodium Glutamate), industrial chemicals and the list goes on.

The Benefits of Cleansing Your Body

Vibrant and exceptional health comes from regular body cleansing and reducing your daily toxin intake. To achieve a state of optimal health, people should perform a full body cleanse once or twice per year. Because of the toxic air we breath on a daily basis we also recommend using Allertrex™ to expectorate toxins and support your respiratory system.

Cleansing your body is the first step to eliminating toxins from your life. To keep your home and office clean of harmful toxins see our Green Living Cleanse program.

Maintaining a Clean Body

Maintain a healthy body by eating organic foods, purifying the water and air in your home and workplace, using non-toxic chemicals, exercising, reducing your stress levels and keeping your body's natural elimination routes (urination, defecation, sweating, respiration and menses in women) working efficiently. For a complete guide on improving and maintaining your health, read "The Green Body Cleanse" which describes the daily toxins most people are exposed to and provides you with simple methods for replacing and eliminating them from your diet, home and work environment so you can live a healthy, clean, and a green life!

Hopefully, you are ready to do a full body cleanse to improve your health, increase your energy and look and feel younger. We recommend you start with the 9 body cleansing steps which have worked the best for our clients over the years. Please note that any one of these body cleanses can be performed individually at any time.

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Autistic children have more toxic metals in their blood

Autistic children have more toxic metals in their blood


New evidence suggests that heavy metal exposure may be a cause of autism, in a study conducted by researchers from Arizona State University and published in the journal Biological Trace Element Research.

The researchers found that autistic children had significantly higher levels of numerous toxic metals in their blood than non-autistic children.

Autism is a neurological disorder that causes repetitive or restricted behavior and trouble with communication and social interaction. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it affects one in every 252 girls and one in every 54 boys in the United States. Although mainstream medicine long considered autism to be a hereditary disorder, increasing evidence is emerging that link the condition to various environmental factors, such as toxic exposure.

"Studies such as this improve our understanding," said Caroline Hattersley of the UK-based National Autism Society. Further studies should be performed to back up this research, she said.

More exposure equals more severe symptoms

The researchers tested blood and urinary levels of various toxic heavy metals in 99 children between the ages of five and 15. 55 of the children had autism, while 44 did not. The groups were similar in age and gender distributions.

The researchers found that autistic children had 41 percent higher levels of lead in their blood and 74 percent higher levels in their urine than non-autistic children. Their urinary levels of tungsten were 44 percent higher, thallium levels were 77 percent higher and tin levels were 115 percent higher.

All four of these metals have previously been linked with impaired brain function and development, the researchers noted, and can be toxic to other organ systems as well.

Based on three separate scales of autism severity, the researchers also found that higher blood levels of toxic metals were associated with more severe cases of autism. In fact, between 38 and 47 percent of all variation in autism severity could be explained by varying heavy metal levels, particularly cadmium and mercury This made toxic metal burden the single "strongest factor" predicting severity, the researchers said.

On one level, the findings come as no surprise, given the well-established neurotoxic effects of heavy metal exposure.

"We knew that exposure to lead makes people lose IQ points, and clearly it can induce autism," lead researcher James Adams said. "The study also showed that people with the highest levels are least able to excrete them."

The findings may have real-world implications for both preventing and treating autism, however.

"We hypothesize that reducing early exposure to toxic metals may help ameliorate symptoms of autism, and treatment to remove toxic metals may reduce symptoms of autism," the researchers wrote. "These hypotheses need further exploration, as there is a growing body of research to support it."

Adams has previously conducted research into the effectiveness of DMSA, a drug designed to remove toxic metals from the body. The study concluded that DMSA did indeed remove some metals successfully, and also reduced some symptoms of autism. Autistic children with the highest urine levels of metals benefited from the treatment the most.


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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Don’t Use a Microwave Oven

Don’t Use a Microwave Oven

Most homes in the United States have a microwave oven, the last couple generations are more likely to have grown up with one than not. The popularity of microwaves makes sense, they offer a fast way to prepare and reheat food and have been somewhat of a kitchen revolution rivaling the introduction of the food processor. [1]


You might guess that I’m not a big fan of the microwave and you’d be guessing right. First and foremost, I am concerned about the effects of a radiation box in my home. And honestly, I have never cared for microwaved food. It’s just not as good. It’s always uneven- burnt on one side, frozen on the other. It’s impossible to get anything crispy, despite the paper fold-up sleeves designed to magically make it happen. It’s useless. Some elements of culinary technique simply are not available by way of this artificial method of heating.

It’s just the way a microwave works. Unlike traditional ovens, which cause changes in the actual temperature to heat food, microwaves use electromagnetic radiation to agitate molecules. This agitation causes vibration and that generates heat. Now, observers of space will attest to the presence of radiation in our universe. So in that sense, it is natural, but keep in mind we’re literally searching space for a justification to say that. Exposure to radiation is not good for your health.

How Safe Are Microwaves?

Discover How to Live GREEN and Live Well with Dr. Group's Book The Green Body Cleanse

Not surprisingly, there has been a lot of back and forth debate over whether or not microwave radiation is damaging. You can search PubMed and find research on the subject but you can also simplify the process by just answering the following question. If a microwave the size of a living room existed, would you be alright with getting inside and turning it on “high” for a minute or two? Me either.

Another topic that’s generated a lot of discussion is the added concern of some of the materials used in the cookware people use with their microwave [2]. Plastic that contains BPA (and plastic that doesn’t) is problematic already. Why would anyone think it’s a good idea to wrap up food with that stuff and then give it a good spray of radiation? [3]

What Clues Already Exist?

Many responsible parenting resources will absolutely recommend against microwaving breast milk or formula [4]. If you ever need a blood transfusion the blood will be warmed prior to the procedure but rest assured it will not be done with a microwave. No gourmet restaurant is serving food prepared by a team of trusty microwaves. These are just a couple examples of how microwaves are not used in situations “where it really counts.”

You Don’t Need It

Thing is though, it always counts. Every meal you eat, especially if you’re eating with loved ones, should be prepared on purpose and with purpose. Things get hectic and schedules are busy but there are also natural foods of convenience that can be had during those times. And if you’re finding that you’re always in the middle of chaos and “have to” microwave food because you’re on the go, it might be time to regroup, refocus, declutter, and get back on track.

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Give It Up

If you and your microwave are best friends, or even just good acquaintances, I challenge you to eliminate all microwave use for one month. Make it a New Years resolution. Switch to using an oven or toaster to heat your food and water. Or, if you really like, fire. Try it. And let me know how it makes your life different. I want to know how it affects your food decisions and the mechanics surrounding your meal time. Perhaps you could even do without any cooked food and adopt a raw vegan diet for month. Now, how do you think that would affect your health?

by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


1. Stephanie Butler. Natural history of the kitchen: food processor Eat Me Daily. 2010 June 1.

2. The Harvard Medical School. Microwaving food in plastic: dangerous of not? Family Health Guide. 2006 July.

3. Katherine Zeratsky RD LD. What is BPA, and what are the concerns about BPA? Mayo Clinic. 2010 December 2.

4. La Leche League International. Can human milk be heated in the microwave? Heating Human Milk in the Microwave. 2007 February 18

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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Water: The Foundation of a Healthy Body

Water: The Foundation of a Healthy Body

The human body is a machine designed to run on water and minerals. The body is about 72% water and water is vitally important for every important bodily function. The bottom line is that without water, your body doesn’t work, and the quality of the water you consume can have a dramatic impact on your health


A Crucial Element to Good Health

The human body has tremendous healing abilities and water is a major component. With proper nourishment and hydration, the body instinctively strives to be young and healthy, working to repair and rebuild bone, regenerate and replace tissue, and attack hostile organisms. In each of these miraculous processes there is one common factor — water.

How Hydration Affects Your Brain and Mental Health

The brain consists of over 75% water and controls nearly every one of the body’s processes by sending and receiving electrical signals through the nervous system. [1] Tiny messengers called “transporter proteins” travel at the speed of light to carry life giving messages to every cell and organ Like any communication network, the purity of the carrier affects the speed and clarity of the signal. If the fluid, mostly water, inside of nerves is laced with traces of chemicals or toxic metals, the result is a delayed and distorted signal. Many experts believe signal distortion is linked to nervous system disorders like ADD, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer’s, and mood imbalance. [2]

How Hydration Affects Energy Levels

Water consumption directly affects energy levels Just a 5% drop in body fluids can cause a 30% reduction in energy; the problem is not uncommon. By some estimates, two-thirds of the population suffers from some degree of chronic hydration. Rather than drink more water, many people turn to stimulants like caffeine and sugar to artificially boost their energy, quickly leading to a downward spiral. Caffeine and sugar are diuretics and cause your body to lose water, resulting in a further loss of energy and a dependency on artificial energy.

Water for Detoxing

The body’s detoxification system is major component to good health and relies heavily on adequate hydration. Filtering and flushing out toxins is very water intensive. It’s just another one of the reasons that staying hydrated has a tremendous impact on health.

How Much Water Do We Need?

We’ve all heard that eight glasses of water each day is an absolute minimum for the body to maintain basic functions. Every time you exhale, blink an eye, or make a movement, water is used. Even the beating of your heart requires water. Keep in mind that eight glasses is the minimum and one half your body weight in ounces is a better measuring stick (for example, if you weigh 180 pounds, drink 90 ounces of water per day).

How to Make Dr. Group’s Toxin-Free “Super Water”

A lot of public drinking water systems have contaminants you’re better off avoiding; drinking purified or distilled water is key. To add a boost to your water, or if you’re drinking distilled water and want to add back some of the minerals lost during the distillation process, try the following recipe.

1. One gallon distilled or purified water, preferably stored or purchased in a glass container.

2. Add two to three tablespoons of raw, organic apple cider vinegar If the taste is too strong, reduce to one tablespoon.

3. Optional: Add the juice of one half organic lemon and 1-2 ounces organic aloe vera per gallon of water.

by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


1. The Water Information Program. Water Facts The Water Information Program.

2. Shaun K. Riebl, MS, RD, PhD and Brenda M. Davy, PhD, RD, FACSM. The Hydration Equation: Update on Water Balance and Cognitive Performance ACSMs Health Fit J. 2013 November/December; 17(6): 21-28. doi: 10.1249/FIT.0b013e3182a9570f.

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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Study: Eating Organic Limits Toxic Pesticide Exposure

Study: Eating Organic Limits Toxic Pesticide Exposure

Although they are extremely toxic, organophosphate pesticides remain some of the most commonly used insecticides today. A variety of fruits and vegetables are regularly treated with organophosphates, including green beans, apples, grapes, and peaches.


The Dangers of Organophosphate Pesticides

This highly toxic type of pesticide has been linked to numerous health problems, including reduced testosterone, leukemia, and Parkinson’s disease Organophosphate pesticide exposure may also be associated with attention and developmental disorders in young children.

According to a recent study, adults may greatly reduce their exposure to organophosphates by eating organic produce [1] The study found that people who eat organic, even occasionally, tend to have significantly lower levels of pesticides in their system.

To conduct the study, scientists gathered data on the dietary habits of more than 4,000 people living in different cities in the US. They collected information on the frequency with which participants reported eating organic foods, as well as the different types and amounts of produce eaten. To calculate pesticide exposure, scientists compared typical consumption of certain produce items with their average pesticide residue levels.

After collecting this data, they compared the calculated pesticide exposure to levels of pesticides found in the urine of participants. Participants who occasionally ate organic produce had significantly lower levels in their urine, while people who frequently or always ate organic typically had around 65 percent lower levels than participants who seldom or never ate organic.

The study only reconfirms existing theories about the benefits of eating organic fruits and vegetables to reduce pesticide exposure. This is particularly important for fruits and vegetables that typically are treated with more pesticides. Produce such as apples, strawberries, celery, grapes, and bell peppers tend to contain a lot of pesticides, while avocados, pineapples, and sweet corn are generally lower in pesticides.

How to Avoid Pesticides

Buying organic foods can be pricey, making it difficult for those on a smaller budget; however, going organic can be more affordable if you shop at local farmers markets, join a Community Supported Agriculture program, and purchase produce in season. While you can limit the amount of pesticides you are consuming through your diet, there are some pesticides that linger in the air. In this case, you may want to try methods for supporting your lungs.

by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


Lindsey Konkel. Eating Organic Produce Can Limit Pesticide Exposure Live Science.

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Friday, January 22, 2016

Study: Chemicals Found in Common Plastics may be “Feminizing"

Study: Chemicals Found in Common Plastics may be “Feminizing"

Lead researchers from a University of Rochester study presented a disturbing study that found that chemicals in many common household plastics may be altering male hormones in the brains of baby boys [1]. This represents more evidence directly linking chemicals in plastics to harmful effects in humans.


Published recently in the International Journal of Andrology, the report is a clear indication of the dangers of a plastic chemical additive, called phthalates. These additives are commonly added to vinyl flooring, PVC shower curtains and many other every-day products.

The Study

It is well-known that boys have different hormonal compositions than girls. These “male hormones” drive specific types of actions in young boys associated with “rough-and-tumble,” play-fighting behavior.

When these hormonal chemicals are altered, researchers have noted that boys begin to play more like little girls. This may be related to the fact that phthalates cause male hormones to behave more like the female hormone, estrogen, and therefore may reduce the male drive to “play rough.”

Dr. Shanna Swan is a professor of obstetrics, gynecology and environmental medicine, as well as director of the Center for Reproductive Epidemiology at the University of Rochester. She was also the lead scientist looking into phthalate composition in urine samples of pregnant mothers. This study took the incidence of phthalates in mothers, and compared them to behavioral play in their children.

Boy Playing With Screwdriver

It was found that the phthalates DEHP and DBP were affecting modalities of play in boys. Those boys who were exposed to high levels of these two phthalate forms in vitro, were less likely to play the types of games most commonly associated with “boy play.” This included playing with guns, cars and trains, as well as engaging in rougher, yet playful forms of fighting.

The study also found that larger servings of phthalates caused very serious abnormalities in animals, including undescended testicles, misplaced openings to the urethra on the penis, as well as other forms of “phthalate syndrome.”

Elizabeth Salter-Green, director of CHEM Trust, a chemical protection advocacy group, has stated that these concerns go beyond looking into children’s play, as certain phthalates may even cause boys to be born with genital abnormalities, reproductive problems and low sperm count. “We now know that phthalates, to which we are all constantly exposed, are extremely worrying from a health perspective,” she says. “This feminizing capacity of phthalates makes them true ‘gender benders’.”

The Health Risks of Phthalates

While it may be common scientific knowledge that phthalates can disrupt hormones, these chemicals are still appearing heavily in our daily lives. The E.U. and the U.S. have both banned these chemicals from children’s toys, despite heavy opposition from chemical industry groups, which financed a massive effort to stop the ban.

Despite this ban on phthalates in toys, we are constantly being exposed to phthalates in flooring, glues, cosmetics, paints, plastic furniture, packaging, shower curtains, dyes, textiles and even in baby bottles. Sadly, these chemicals are still deemed entirely safe by governmental regulations committees, despite overwhelming evidence from multiple studies on phthalates.

And young boys are not the only ones at risk. Studies show a clear link in the deterioration of adult male reproductive health and exposure to hormone-altering chemicals. There are also a plethora of studies on the association between plastic chemicals and breast cancer Wildlife is also undergoing a “feminization” due to chemical exposure. Gwynne Lyons, toxics adviser to the WWF, stated that “this research highlights the need for tougher controls of gender-bending chemicals.” Despite these concerns, chemical companies putting phthalates into every-day household products maintain that the their chemicals are safe and rigourously tested.

– Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM


Shanna H. Swan, Ph.D. Pilot Study Relates Phthalate Exposure to Less-Masculin Play by Boys International Journal of Andrology. 2006 November 16.

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