Calorie restriction is defined as a reduction of 30-60% of one’s regular calorie intake while maintaining a diet that provides enough nutrients to prevent malnutrition. Scientists believe calorie restriction stimulates a defensive state designed to help an organism survive environmental and metabolic adversity. This non-genetic strategy has been observed to encourage youthfulness and extend average and maximum lifespan in most living creatures. [1]
Why Caloric Restriction?
Many individuals choose to pursue the approach of calorie restriction for its supposed anti-aging effects. Calorie restriction has been shown to extend longevity in animal models via a number of proposed metabolic avenues. Whether it’s activating sirtuin production, protecting telomere length, or reducing oxidative stress, safe calorie restriction with optimal nutrition (CRON) may be a helpful way to support a healthy aging process. Calorie restriction is by no means the end all and be all of longevity, but it is a good first start that is free to try.
How Does it Work?
The precise mechanisms as to how calorie restriction works are not yet known. Despite the lack of understanding by modern science, there are some clues as to how CRON benefits the body. Researchers hypothesize caloric restriction lowers metabolism, decreasing the oxidation often associated with metabolic processes. Calorie restriction, or CR, also decreases insulin levels and stimulates cell repair. Sirtuins, proteins that regulate many biological pathways, are activated during calorie restriction, and studies show that these proteins may extend lifespan. Whatever the mechanism, it does reduce the body’s production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which reduces damage to DNA.
Potential Benefits
So, you may know that calorie restriction plays a role in supporting a healthy aging process, but did you know that the practice offers specific approaches to health? Here are some of the top researched benefits of CR.
Decreases Risk of Heart Disease
Caloric restriction shows positive effects on many of the causes associated with heart disease. Studies have found it helps protect against obesity and hypertension, health conditions that greatly influence heart disease risk. [2] Adiponectin, a hormone that increases production under physical stressors (including that of caloric restriction) promotes cardiovascular and metabolic health. [3] Only a subset of heart disease patients should consider calorie restriction alongside professional medical advice. Read more
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