By Joel Edwards
medical profession, history, bad advice
(DrEddyClinic News) "Trust your doctor" or so goes the saying. You wouldn't blindly trust a car salesman. You'd ask a lot of questions to see if a car is right for you. But most of us have been conditioned to believe our doctors are infallible. To question their judgment is akin to blasphemy. Students of medical history know better.
Bloodletting was a popular treatment for all manner of ailments, widely used for more than 3,000 years. In 19th century Europe, bloodletting reached the height of its popularity.
In order to understand the rationalization of bleeding patients in order to "get them better" a (somewhat) convincing argument for the practice was made by the father of medicine, Hippocrates.
Hippocrates believed illness was caused by an imbalance of one or more of the four humors: blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile. To correct the imbalance, bloodletting, purging, catharsis, diuresis, and other treatments were utilized. Bloodletting became the most popular means of balancing the humors and "restoring health."
Presently, bloodletting is rarely seen as beneficial and it is used in only a select few instances, such as severe cases of hypertension.
Smoking Cigarettes is Good For You
It is common knowledge that smoking is bad for your health. This knowledge is so commonplace now that many of us take it for granted. For decades, tobacco companies used doctors, and actors portraying doctors, to raise confidence in the safety of their products.
These promotions were very successful, and many doctors, especially throat doctors, were not only assuring the public that cigarette smoking wasn't bad, they claimed smoking was healthy and could even be used as a treatment for throat irritation. Beyond recommendations, doctors were also hired to do pseudoscientific studies, studies paid for by the tobacco industry that consistently produced unrealistic results that supported smoking. When physicians and science are for sale, lies can be perpetuated for a very long time.
Eat a High Carb Low Fat Diet
The USDA food pyramid was a low fat, high carbohydrate diet that was far from healthy. Our bodies are not designed to eat like this, but the government and many medical doctors still recommended it. The food pyramid was based on very expensive, highly flawed science.
During the 1980s, nearly a million Americans a year were dying of heart disease. Something had to be done. Problem is, what was done was worse than doing nothing at all.
Healthy fats were discovered when anthropologists noted that arctic people, such as the Inuit and Yupik, ate high protein, high fat diets and yet had very low rates of heart disease. This called into question the demonization of fat.
Replacing fats with carbohydrates may indeed slightly lower heart disease, but its close cousin, cardiovascular disease, often afflicts those who follow high carb diets along with countless other health problems such as obesity and diabetes. The pyramid and the new program, choose my dietary guidelines (which is almost as unhealthy), point Americans in the direction of chronic disease and an early grave.
Mercurial Medicines
Mercury is a neurotoxin, but in the past medical professionals didn't understand how toxic it is to all forms of life. It was included in elixirs and ointments for thousands of years.
Today, mercury, under the name thimerosal, can be found in hundreds of prescription and over the counter medicines. It continues to be used in lotions, creams, eye drops, eardrops, and nasal sprays. Mercury is widely used in dentistry and it is still used in many vaccines. Mercury also has many names, making it harder for consumer to identify.
Mercury is also known as:
- Thimerosal
- Phenylmercuric acetate (PMA)
- Phenylmercuric nitrate (PMN)
- Mercuric acetate (MA)
- Mercuric nitrate (MN)
- Merbromin (MB)
- Mercuric oxide yellow (MOY)
Chemotherapy Kills Faster Than No Treatment At All
There is no finer example of bad medical advice than advising patients to undergo chemotherapy Most people dismiss the idea that you can cure any cancer naturally with over a 90% success rate.
New research is confirming what the most committed natural practitioners already knew. It is likely that the radiation and chemotherapy that are used as treatments are too deadly, too heavy handed for cancer.
Dr. Jones's study published in the journal Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences shows chemotherapy is killing cancer patients four times faster than no treatment at all.
Bad advice is everywhere, and it can stem from every profession, even the medical profession. History has taught us that there are times the experts are nearly unified in their advice and are still dead wrong. The reasoning has always been the same, that the benefits outweigh the risks. When you're given bad medical advice, you run the risk while the benefits belong to the physician. Ultimately our health is too important to trust the experts without doing our own research. And speaking of bad medical advice, check out How to Detox From Vaccines, and How to Detox From Antibiotics
About the author:
Joel learned long ago that pharmaceuticals were not the answer to health and vitality. He gave up on pharmaceuticals many years ago, and he also gave up wheat and refined sugars. His hobbies include gluten free baking, gardening, and fitness. Joel is passionate about agriculture and environmental issues. Joel believes that progressive, cutting-edge, organic agriculture can feed the world
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