(DrEddyClinic News) Over the last decade Dr. Ralph Moss, at the University of Arizona has been researching the use of sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) as a potential treatment for cancerous conditions.
At the same time Robert J. Gillies and his colleagues have demonstrated that pre-treatment of mice with sodium bicarbonate results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. (Raghunand 2003)
Using sodium bicarbonate in the treatment of a cancerous condition has been found to "enhance the anti-tumor activity" of other anticancer drugs. The alkalizing effects are very similar to the recently published research of injecting O2 directly into tumors where such direct administration of oxygen also facilitated the action of chemotherapy.
This year the same researchers reported that sodium bicarbonate increases tumor pH (i.e., make it more alkaline) and also inhibits spontaneous metastases (Robey 2009). They also showed that oral sodium bicarbonate increased the pH of tumors and also reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases in mice with breast cancer. Oral administration of sodium bicarbonate also reduced the rate of lymph node involvement.
Though Dr. Moss as well as Dr. Simoncini, an oncologist from Rome, Italy found it striking that the oral administration of bicarbonate was able to reduce the spontaneous formation of metastases in mice with breast cancer. Dr. Moss stated, “this is impressive work that needs to go forward.” Sodium bicarbonate has been used for decades in chemotherapy but until the last few years baking soda has received little attention. Now, because of the work of Dr. Moss, Dr. Simoncini and Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of the pH Miracle Living Center and founder of the New Biology(R), there are over 50,000 web sites with information on this subject.
There is little dispute that cancer is an ACIDIC condition which can be measured in terms of tumor pH. Previous research the precedes Dr. Moss or Dr. Simoncini, Dr. Young has found that cancerous tissues are significantly more acidic than normal tissues and that manipulation of pH with oral and/or intravenous sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate can have help to restore healthy tissue and reverse a cancerous condition. In 1932, Dr. Warburg received a Nobel prize for discovering the cause of cancer. He determined that cancerous cells and tissues were acidic cells and tissues and low in oxygen. According to Dr. Young, "when alkalinity increases the supply of hydroxyl ions or oxygen to the cancerous tissue, the increase in hydroxyl ions or oxygen combines with the excessive hydrogen ions in and around the cancerous cells or tissues, creating water and neutralizing the acid which was the original cause of the cellular or tissue breakdown. Simply put, dietary and/or metabo lic acid is the cause of all cancerous cells and tissues."
Sodium bicarbonate is the universal mainstream treatment of acidosis and is used every day by oncologists to neutralize the heavy acidic nature of their chemo agents, which can be quit toxic. It is also used routinely in many clinical situations:
1) Severe diabetic ketoacidosis 1
2) Cardiopulmonary resuscitation 2
3) Pregnancy 3
4) Hemodialysis 4
5) Peritoneal dialysis 5
6) Pharmacological toxicosis 6
7) Hepatopathy 7
Medics and emergency medical doctors are use to participating in a flurry of activity when trying to save a persons live who's had a cardiac arrest -- inserting IVs, placing a breathing tube, performing defibrillation to restart the heart. Sodium bicarbonate is a constant performer under such conditions and is more commonly used then magnesium injections, which is traditionally on top of every doctor’s protocol for cardiac arrest.
Mainstream oncologists recognize the routine involvement of late stage infections, Dr. Young refers to as outfections in all cancerous conditions. Medical savants also recognize that bacteria, yeast and mold is present in over forty percent of all cancerous conditions. 9 The most recent research in this area demonstrates how even viruses, which Dr. Young describes as crystallized acid, is present in fifty percent of certain types of cancerous conditions. 10
Dr. Young has written over 15 books in over 18 different languages on the subject of acid giving rise to biological transformation of cells or the birth of bacteria, yeast and mold in all dis-ease or so-called disease cellular or tissue conditions. This would also include late stage outfections which are the result of an over-acid internal environment.
According to Dr. Young there is a simple definition of cancer - ACID. Anyone who has seen a cancerous tissue will admit that cancer is a rot that is breaking down the body and will destroy it left unchecked. When the body is rotting, when its cells and tissues are demonstrating dire distress, when certain colonies of cells become acidic and rotten and change their type of metabolism from respiration to fermentation, when dietary and metabolic acids are not properly removed through the four channels of elimination, including urination, respiration, defecation and perspiration then you will have a certain over-acidic condition that will eventually take shape and form depending on where the acid is deposited. Dietary and/or metabolic acid which are not properly eliminated are generally deposited in the colloidal connective and fatty tissues. The body deposits acids into the tissue in order to preserve the delicate pH balance of the blood at 7.365. This is why there is such an in crease in breast, brain and prostate cancers.
No matter where you would like to drop your concepts and numerous names for different kinds of cancerous conditions it should be obvious that - like any type of rotting cells and tissues - bacteria, yeast and mold is a result of rotting cells and tissues and NOT THE CAUSE! Dr. Young states, "bacteria, yeast/fungi, and mold are not the cause of a cancerous condition but are the result and the evidence of cells and tissues biologically transforming from a healthy state and to a unhealthy state." Dr. Young intelligently observed that, "over acidification of the body leads to the development of chronic yeast and fungal outfections and ultimately a cancerous condition of the cells and tissues.”
Cancer is, fundamentally, a relatively simple over-acid condition of the blood and then tissues that leads to an oxygen deficiency dis-ease. The use of sodium bicarbonate increases hydroxyl ions or oxygen that buffers dietary and/or metabolic acids preventing the rotting or fermentation of cells and tissues and thus prevents and/or reverses a cancerous condition.
One is not likely to fall into a cancerous condition if one’s blood and tissues are in the perfect alkaline state of 7.365. To achieve this perfect alkaline state free from all sickness and dis-esase one must have alkaline nutritional sufficiency, including full alkaline hydration, ingesting liberal amounts of green foods rich in chlorophyll to build healthy blood and tissues and plenty of healthy alkalizing sun exposure. Add plenty of restful sleep, alkalizing exercise, relaxed conflict free existence and a pristine alkaline environment (something that no longer exists on our planet). One must also include freedom from dental amalgam, antibiotics, steroids/hormones, recreational drugs and vaccines to achieve extraordinary health and a cancerous free existence.
Cancer is easy to define because it defines modern man. Humanity is in deep acidic trouble with cancerous condition for we are in deep acidic trouble with ourselves and our civilization.
There are no real medical precedents to draw on when it comes to the use of sodium bicarbonate; sodium bicarbonate is that useful, safe and effective for ALL sickness and dis-ease. But it seems that much of the medical debate over its use has more to do with illogical thought processes than reality. That is at least what sociologists are finding or saying in the public debate about universal health care. People often work backward from a firm conclusion to find supporting facts, rather than letting evidence inform their views.
A totally rational person would lay out - and evaluate objectively - the pros and cons of sodium bicarbonate and its use in a cancerous protocol but even the best professionals get attached to their own beliefs and egos. We form emotional attachments that get us wrapped up in our personal identity and sense of medicine and health irrespective of the facts of the matter making our theories more potent than pragmatic answers.
Just about everyone is vulnerable to the phenomenon of holding onto beliefs even in the face of scientific evidence to the contrary. It is a challenge to reevaluate world views and medical belief systems but you have to do it to continue to be of service to humanity. Humanity depends on very few of us to offer the latest and the best information. Our egos do get in the way though, and some doctors are known for their great egos.
No matter what your ego says, the world of dietary and metabolic acids and all the problems they bring are important in medicine and only irresponsible practitioners will ignore their existence in the cause of ALL sickness and dis-ease. Sodium bicarbonate’s action dramatically reestablishes the intracellular alkaline environment and this is wonderful when conditions are over-acidic causing sickness and dis-ease.
The action of sodium bicarbonate is, for all intent and purpose, instant and effective in preventing and reversing a cancerous condition in a very short time. Many clients are able to reverse their cancerous condition in 12 to 16 weeks and some in 6 to 9 months. In the end sodium bicarbonate is not a healthy alternative or substitute for Dr. Young's pH Miracle alkaline diet including pure hydroxyl ion rich alkaline water.
Sodium bicarbonate - that simple white stuff called baking soda can be purchased in any supermarket in the world and is a world class anti-bacterial and anti-fungal with no negative side-effects. If you need to punch a late stage outfection of any kind in the face use sodium bicarbonate. If you want to eliminate bacteria, yeast or mold colonies in the blood or tissues baking soda should be your number one choice. Dr. Young suggests, "sodium bicarbonate can be used like a fire extinguisher spraying the tissues with alkalinity and preventing or reversing latent tissue acidosis. It can be used orally and/or transdermally to reach all parts of the body through systemic effect via the blood."
Medical researchers such as Dr. Simoncine and Dr. Young have identified the alkaline substances uniquely able to penetrate the volumetric acidic cancerous tissues, such as sodium bicarbonate, magnesium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate. These elements are manufactured in the body to prevent acidic build-up and to maintain the alkaline design of the body. When are body is perfectly alkaline we are healthy, strong and happy.
Sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium bicarbonate, when used in conjunction with other equally safe substances, can form the basis for a natural chemotherapy, which has proven to be more effective then vastly more toxic acidic interventions. Everyone knows in their gut the horrors that await those who travel down the chemo, surgery and radiation road. Why travel down these pits to hell when safer, vastly more inexpensive, natural and potentially highly effective answers like sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium bicarbonate are there for the taking?
Special Note: I suggest using a combination of four powerful cell salts of sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium bicarbonate.
Special Recommendation: I also suggest sodium and potassium bicarbonate use for anyone undergoing cardiac angiography, CT (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to protect their kidneys. Medical imaging has soared over the last few years across all types of these tests. Doctors have long known exposure to contrast agents can cause damage in seemingly healthy kidneys. The Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology warns that kidney damage injury can arise after undergoing certain common medical imaging procedures is a serious health threat.
A meta-analysis of 17 randomised controlled trials has shown that pre-procedural treatment with sodium bicarbonate based hydration is the best strategy to prevent contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN). 11
Many medical imaging techniques, including cardiac angiography and CT scans, often involve the use of contrast agents, substances that contain iopamidol, iodixanol and barium with their own toxic downside. Dr. Solomon found that 31 percent of the research subjects experienced negative health effects after their imaging test. Overall 13 percent of the patients experienced a major event, such as death, stroke, heart attack, or end-stage renal disease. Those who developed contrast-induced kidney injuries had twice as many long-term negative health effects compared with patients who didn't suffer kidney damage. No doubt much of this harm can be avoided if sodium bicarbonate is used appropriately.
1. Gamba, G., “Bicarbonate therapy in severe diabetic ketoacidosis. A double blind, randomized, placebo controlled trial.” (Rev Invest Clin 1991 Jul-Sep;43(3):234-8). Miyares Gomez A. in “Diabetic ketoacidosis in childhood: the first day of treatment (An Esp Pediatr 1989 Apr;30(4):279-83)
2. Levy, M.M., “An evidence-based evaluation of the use of sodium bicarbonate during cardiopulmonary resuscitation” (Crit Care Clin 1998 Jul;14(3):457-83). Vukmir, R.B., Sodium bicarbonate in cardiac arrest: a reappraisal (Am J Emerg Med 1996 Mar;14(2):192-206). Bar-Joseph, G., “Clinical use of sodium bicarbonate during cardiopulmonary resuscitation--is it used sensibly?” (Resuscitation 2002 Jul;54(1):47-55).
3. Zhang. L.,“Perhydrit and sodium bicarbonate improve maternal gases and acid-base status during the second stage of labor” Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Xiangya Hospital, Hunan Medical University, Changsha 410008. Maeda, Y., “Perioperative administration of bicarbonated solution to a patient with mitochondrial encephalomyopathy” (Masui 2001 Mar;50(3):299-303).
4. Avdic. E., “Bicarbonate versus acetate hemodialysis: effects on the acid-base status” (Med Arh 2001;55(4):231-3).
5. Feriani, M., “Randomized long-term evaluation of bicarbonate-buffered CAPD solution.” (Kidney Int 1998 Nov;54(5):1731-8).
6. Vrijlandt, P.J., “Sodium bicarbonate infusion for intoxication with tricyclic antidepressives: recommended inspite of lack of scientific evidence” Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2001 Sep 1;145(35):1686-9). Knudsen, K., “Epinephrine and sodium bicarbonate independently and additively increase survival in experimental amitriptyline poisoning.” (Crit Care Med 1997 Apr;25(4):669-74).
7. Silomon, M., “Effect of sodium bicarbonate infusion on hepatocyte Ca2+ overload during resuscitation from hemorrhagic shock.” (Resuscitation 1998 Apr;37(1):27-32). Mariano, F., “Insufficient correction of blood bicarbonate levels in biguanide lactic acidosis treated with CVVH and bicarbonate replacement fluids” (Minerva Urol Nefrol 1997 Sep;49(3):133-6).
8. Dement'eva, I.I., “Calculation of the dose of sodium bicarbonate in the treatment of metabolic acidosis in surgery with and deep hypothermic circulatory arrest” (Anesteziol Reanimatol 1997 Sep-Oct;(5):42-4).
9. "I believe that, conservatively, 15 to 20 percent of all cancer is caused by infections; however, the number could be larger -- maybe double," said Dr. Andrew Dannenberg, director of the Cancer Center at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center." Dr. Dannennberg made the remarks in a speech in December 2007 at the annual international conference of the American Association for Cancer Research.1 And if omitting infections as a cause of cancer is not bad enough nowhere in Watson’s article do we see mention of:
10. A sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer is also to blame for half of all cases of cancer of the penis
11. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/05/090512193227.htm
In Love and Healing Light,
Robert O. Young, Ph.D., D.Sc.
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