Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) afflicts many men as they age Studies have shown 50% of men between 51-60, and 90% of men over 80 suffer from this benign enlargement of the prostate. [2] While it may be termed benign, it comes with unpleasant side effects such as a frequent urge to urinate, especially at night, and the potential for developing into more serious prostate issues.
A recent study of 100 BPH patients found that stinging nettle effective in reducing prostate size as well as the symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate. [3] This result corresponds to previous studies which reported reduced prostate size and serum PSA (prostate specific antigen). [4] In fact, stinging nettle has performed so well against BPH that even mainstream sources have taken notice. [5]
Stinging Nettle and Urinary Tract health
For many men, especially older men, lower urinary tract problems are common. Symptoms include a frequent, urgent need to urinate with a poor stream and often an incomplete voiding of the bladder. Stinging nettle was tested along with saw palmetto and pinus pinaster as a means to remedy these issues. Stinging nettle, along with the other herbs tested, reduced the symptoms in 85% of the patients. These patients specifically noted a significant reduction in the painful and irritating symptoms. [6]
Why Does Stinging Nettle Work?
Researchers are working to better understand the mechanisms behind stinging nettle’s success against BPH and urinary tract problems. A recent 2013 study found that stinging nettle possessed compounds that may inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. [7] This enzyme converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a potent androgen hormone associated with prostate enlargement, low testosterone levels in older men, and hair loss. A majority of this conversion occurs in the prostate and hair follicles. By reducing the conversion of testosterone, these areas do not suffer from the androgenizing effects that result when DHT is present.

Stinging Nettle and Prostate Health
Further research will certainly confirm how stinging nettle works to alleviate the symptoms of BPH and reduce prostate swelling and enlargement. Based on its success to date, studies of stinging nettle have proven its effectiveness and it has lived up to its reputation as a mainstay in folk and alternative medicine. [8] Based on these findings, stinging nettle could be play a role in supplementation by men seeking to maintain prostate health
Have you used stinging nettle to support your prostate? If so, please weigh in and leave a comment to share your experience with us.
by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
1. Namazi N, Esfanjani AT, Heshmati J, Bahrami A. The effect of hydro alcoholic Nettle (Urtica dioica) extracts on insulin sensitivity and some inflammatory indicators in patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomized double-blind control trial Pak J Biol Sci. 2011 Aug 1;14(15):775-9.
2. Tanagho ER, Mcaninch JE. Smith’s general urology. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2008.
3. Alireza Ghorbanibirgani, Ali Khalili,Laleh Zamani. The Efficacy of Stinging Nettle (Urtica Dioica) in Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Randomized Double-Blind Study in 100 Patients Iran Red Crescent Med J. 2013 January; 15(1): 9–10. Published online 2013 January 5. doi: 10.5812/ircmj.2386.
4. Safarinejad MR. Urtica dioica for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study J Herb Pharmacother. 2005;5(4):1-11.
5. Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis BD, Wagner H, Chrubasik S. A comprehensive review on the stinging nettle effect and efficacy profiles Part II: urticae radix. Phytomedicine. 2007 Aug;14(7-8):568-79. Epub 2007 May 16.
6. Pavone C, Abbadessa D, Tarantino ML, Oxenius I, Laganà A, Lupo A, Rinella M. [Associating Serenoa repens, Urtica dioica and Pinus pinaster. Safety and efficacy in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms Prospective study on 320 patients]. Urologia. 2010 Jan-Mar;77(1):43-51.
7. Nahata A, Dixit VK. Evaluation of 5?-reductase inhibitory activity of certain herbs useful as antiandrogens Andrologia. 2013 May 26. doi: 10.1111/and.12115.
8. Dar SA, Ganai FA, Yousuf AR, Balkhi MU, Bhat TM, Sharma P. Pharmacological and toxicological evaluation of Urtica dioica Pharm Biol. 2013 Feb;51(2):170-80. doi: 10.3109/13880209.2012.715172. Epub2012 Oct 5.
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