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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Benefits of Himalayan Salt

The Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Himalayan crystal salt is far superior to traditional iodized salt. Himalayan salt is millions of years old and pure, untouched by many of the toxins and pollutants that pervade other forms of ocean salt.


Known in the Himalayas as “white gold,” Himalayan Crystal Salt contains the same 84 natural minerals and elements found in the human body. This form of salt has also been maturing over the past 250 million years under intense tectonic pressure, creating an environment of zero exposure to toxins and impurities.

Himalayan salt’s unique cellular structure allows it to store vibrational energy. Its minerals exist in a colloidal form, meaning that they are tiny enough for our cells to easily absorb.

Discover the Natural Benefits of Himalayan Crystal Salt - Coarse Granulated

Himalayan Crystal Salt: The Health Benefits

The health benefits of using natural Himalayan Crystal Salt may include:

- Controlling the water levels within the body, regulating them for proper functioning
- Promoting stable pH balance in the cells, including the brain.
- Encouraging excellent blood sugar health
- Aiding in reducing the common signs of aging
- Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy creation
- Promoting the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract
- Aiding vascular health
- Supporting healthy respiratory function
- Lowering incidence of sinus problems, and promoting over-all sinus health
- Reducing cramps
- Increasing bone strength
- Naturally promoting healthy sleep patterns
- Creating a healthy libido
- Circulator support
- Promotes kidney and gall bladder health when compared to common chemically-treated salt

bag of Himalayan Crystal Salt

Table salt: “The Health Destroyer”

Many people are unaware that common table salt contains chemicals and even sugar! Salt is necessary but can be dangerous if taken in this chemical form.

Table salt is composed of 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals like iodine and absorbents, and sugar. Common salt is dried at more than 1,200° Fahrenheit, a process which zaps many of the natural chemical structures.

The table and cooking salt found in most homes, restaurants, and processed foods is void of nutritional value, lacking beneficial trace minerals. Processing salt turns it into sodium chloride, an unnatural salt the human body actually sees as a toxic invader! The body cannot dispose of it in a natural, healthy way which can lead to irritation of the tissues, water retention and high blood pressure.

Discover the Benefits! Learn More about Himalayan Crystal Salt

Processed salt crystals are also energetically dead, as their crystals are completely isolated from one another. For the body to metabolize chemical table salt, it must waste tremendous amounts of energy to keep the body at optimum fluid balance. This creates a burden on the elimination systems in the body. Water is removed from other cells in attempt to neutralize the unnatural sodium chloride. 
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Monday, September 21, 2015

Former Merck rep explains how mandatory vaccination is pushed

Former Merck rep explains how mandatory vaccination is pushed

For five ruthless years, Merck & Co. knowingly deceived and poisoned 80 million people around the world with their infamous and deadly drug Vioxx. The drug was taken off the market in 2004 after a study revealed that Vioxx doubled the risk of heart attack and stroke in those who took the drug. The psychopaths who run Merck knowingly falsified safety data on Vioxx, which ultimately led to numerous heart attacks and strokes in unsuspecting patients.

All of Merck's sales representatives must have realized at that point that they were nothing more than pawns for one of the most guile, criminal operations on the planet. Upon hearing the news in 2003, one sales rep decided to quit, disillusioned by the corruption she had become an acolyte for. As her eyes were opened and her life journey pressed on, it became apparent that her greatest desires for truth in medicine were going to express themselves as her reality unfolded. Her name is Brandy Vaughan.

Dismissed for asking questions

After moving to Europe and having her first son, she decided to move back to the U.S. to live in San Francisco, California. She didn't trust pharmaceutical companies, but she did take her son to a wellness visit. The doctor pushed for several vaccinations for her son, who was at the precious age of six months. The doctor grew angry with Vaughan because she asked to see the vaccine inserts. After storming out of the office, the angry doctor sent a nurse in to tell Vaughan that she and her son were not welcome back.

Vaughan, who knew very little about vaccines at the time, was simply asking questions. After getting no answers from her doctor and getting the cold shoulder, she grew passionate about learning what vaccines were, what they were for, and what was in them.

Uncovering the sinister plot behind mandatory vaccinations

With no reason to trust pharmaceutical companies, Vaughan sought out information on her own. She soon learned that the vaccine industry not only had legal immunity from the damage vaccines caused, but she also found flawed safety data on vaccines that mirrored the Vioxx situation. The more she learned about vaccine toxins, the more she became passionate about not vaccinating her son.

As she started to raise awareness about the risks of vaccines, she began to realize a more sinister plot: pharmaceutical companies want to use the force of government to mandate vaccine schedules on all children. In 1952, that vaccine schedule included about seven doses. Today, the CDC's vaccine schedule includes up to 49 doses before a child turns six years old. There are hundreds of vaccines currently being developed. It has become a game where pharmaceutical companies profit from the fears of disease instead of actually providing education to improve public health through nutrition. Profits are made by poisoning the blood of children with toxic adjuvants like aluminum. Read more

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Refined Sugar - The Sweetest poison of All...

Refined Sugar - The Sweetest poison of All...

Why Sugar Is Toxic To The Body

In 1957, Dr. William Coda Martin tried to answer the question: When is a food a food and when is it a poison? His working definition of "poison" was: "Medically: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body, which causes or may cause disease. Physically: Any substance which inhibits the activity of a catalyst which is a minor substance, chemical or enzyme that activates a reaction."1 The dictionary gives an even broader definition for "poison": "to exert a harmful influence on, or to pervert".

Refined Sugar

Dr. Martin classified refined sugar as a poison because it has been depleted of its life forces, vitamins and minerals. "What is left consists of pure, refined carbohydrates. The body cannot utilize this refined starch and carbohydrate unless the depleted proteins, vitamins and minerals are present. Nature supplies these elements in each plant in quantities sufficient to metabolize the carbohydrate in that particular plant. There is no excess for other added carbohydrates. Incomplete carbohydrate metabolism results in the formation of 'toxic metabolite' such as pyruvic acid and abnormal sugars containing five carbon atoms. Pyruvic acid accumulates in the brain and nervous system and the abnormal sugars in the red blood cells. These toxic metabolites interfere with the respiration of the cells. They cannot get sufficient oxygen to survive and function normally. In time, some of the cells die. This interferes with the function of a part of the body and is the beginning of degenerative disease."2

Refined sugar is lethal when ingested by humans because it provides only that which nutritionists describe as "empty" or "naked" calories. It lacks the natural minerals which are present in the sugar beet or cane.

In addition, sugar is worse than nothing because it drains and leaches the body of precious vitamins and minerals through the demand its digestion, detoxification and elimination makes upon one's entire system. So essential is balance to our bodies that we have many ways to provide against the sudden shock of a heavy intake of sugar. Minerals such as sodium (from salt), potassium and magnesium (from vegetables), and calcium (from the bones) are mobilized and used in chemical transmutation; neutral acids are produced which attempt to return the acid-alkaline balance factor of the blood to a more normal state.

Sugar taken every day produces a continuously overacid condition, and more and more minerals are required from deep in the body in the attempt to rectify the imbalance. Finally, in order to protect the blood, so much calcium is taken from the bones and teeth that decay and general weakening begin. Excess sugar eventually affects every organ in the body. Initially, it is stored in the liver in the form of glucose (glycogen). Since the liver's capacity is limited, a daily intake of refined sugar (above the required amount of natural sugar) soon makes the liver expand like a balloon. When the liver is filled to its maximum capacity, the excess glycogen is returned to the blood in the form of fatty acids. These are taken to every part of the body and stored in the most inactive areas: the belly, the buttocks, the breasts and the thighs.

When these comparatively harmless places are completely filled, fatty acids are then distributed among active organs, such as the heart and kidneys. These begin to slow down; finally their tissues degenerate and turn to fat. The whole body is affected by their reduced ability, and abnormal blood pressure is created. The parasympathetic nervous system is affected; and organs governed by it, such as the small brain, become inactive or paralyzed. (Normal brain function is rarely thought of as being as biologic as digestion.) The circulatory and lymphatic systems are invaded, and the quality of the red corpuscles starts to change. An overabundance of white cells occurs, and the creation of tissue becomes slower. Our body's tolerance and immunizing power becomes more limited, so we cannot respond properly to extreme attacks, whether they be cold, heat, mosquitoes or microbes.

Excessive sugar has a strong mal-effect on the functioning of the brain. The key to orderly brain function is glutamic acid, a vital compound found in many vegetables. The B vitamins play a major role in dividing glutamic acid into antagonistic-complementary compounds which produce a "proceed" or "control" response in the brain. B vitamins are also manufactured by symbiotic bacteria which live in our intestines. When refined sugar is taken daily, these bacteria wither and die, and our stock of B vitamins gets very low. Too much sugar makes one sleepy; our ability to calculate and remember is lost.


Shipwrecked sailors who ate and drank nothing but sugar and rum for nine days surely went through some of this trauma; the tales they had to tell created a big public relations problem for the sugar pushers. This incident occurred when a vessel carrying a cargo of sugar was shipwrecked in 1793. The five surviving sailors were finally rescued after being marooned for nine days. They were in a wasted condition due to starvation, having consumed nothing but sugar and rum. The eminent French physiologist F. Magendie was inspired by that incident to conduct a series of experiments with animals, the results of which he published in 1816. In the experiments, he fed dogs a diet of sugar or olive oil and water. All the dogs wasted and died.3

The shipwrecked sailors and the French physiologist's experimental dogs proved the same point. As a steady diet, sugar is worse than nothing. Plain water can keep you alive for quite some time. Sugar and water can kill you. Humans [and animals] are "unable to subsist on a diet of sugar".4 The dead dogs in Professor Magendie's laboratory alerted the sugar industry to the hazards of free scientific inquiry. From that day to this, the sugar industry has invested millions of dollars in behind-the-scenes, subsidized science. The best scientific names that money could buy have been hired, in the hope that they could one day come up with something at least pseudoscientific in the way of glad tidings about sugar.

It has been proved, however, that (1) sugar is a major factor in dental decay; (2) sugar in a person's diet does cause overweight; (3) removal of sugar from diets has cured symptoms of crippling, worldwide diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart illnesses. Sir Frederick Banting, the codiscoverer of insulin, noticed in 1929 in Panama that, among sugar plantation owners who ate large amounts of their refined stuff, diabetes was common. Among native cane-cutters, who only got to chew the raw cane, he saw no diabetes. However, the story of the public relations attempts on the part of the sugar manufacturers began in Britain in 1808 when the Committee of West India reported to the House of Commons that a prize of twenty-five guineas had been offered to anyone who could come up with the most "satisfactory" experiments to prove that unrefined sugar was good for feeding and fattening oxen, cows, hogs and sheep.5

Food for animals is often seasonal, always expensive. Sugar, by then, was dirt cheap. People weren't eating it fast enough. Naturally, the attempt to feed livestock with sugar and molasses in England in 1808 was a disaster. When the Committee on West India made its fourth report to the House of Commons, one Member of Parliament, John Curwin, reported that he had tried to feed sugar and molasses to calves without success. He suggested that perhaps someone should try again by sneaking sugar and molasses into skimmed milk. Had anything come of that, you can be sure the West Indian sugar merchants would have spread the news around the world. After this singular lack of success in pushing sugar in cow pastures, the West Indian sugar merchants gave up. Read more

Friday, September 18, 2015

The Benefits of Resveratrol for Blood Pressure

The Benefits of Resveratrol for Blood Pressure

According to statistics from the CDC, around 70 million people–1 in 3 Americans–suffer from high blood pressure. Half of these individuals have their blood pressure under control, probably under some form of blood pressure medication. [1] Hypertension, or high blood pressure, can be a silent yet deadly disease, one that doesn’t necessarily need to be managed by medication. While there are some rare hereditary conditions that make it impossible to control blood sugar with just exercise and diet, most people have the ability to use dietary strategies as their first line of defense.


How Resveratrol Supports a Healthy Blood Pressure

Resveratrol is a natural plant compound typically found in grapes, chocolate, and almonds. Its antioxidant capabilities have been studied for years, with each study revealing some type of benefit for health. Whether it’s protecting cells and DNA, regulating a healthy blood sugar, or protecting skin from UV damage, there seems to be a wide range of benefits associated with the compound. [2] [3] A recent meta analysis shows that resveratrol may play an important role in supporting blood pressure health by regulating systolic blood pressure. [4] While the research is far from conclusive, it does lead many to wonder how powerful plant compounds really are.

One of the emerging areas of research in relation to resveratrol is in the field of healthy aging. Resveratrol may provide similar effects of calorie restriction in terms of cellular protection. [5] Its effects on blood pressure are not surprising, if you consider the fact that resveratrol may reduce irritation and improve blood flow through vessels. Resveratrol may even support hormones that play a role in blood pressure. Foods high in resveratrol may also contain a number of other beneficial compounds and nutrients, like antioxidants and fiber, that are responsible for supporting blood pressure.

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Top 10 foods for improving blood pressure

Top 10 foods for improving blood pressure

High blood pressure (HBP) infects the veins of society. It is defined as high pressure in the arteries, which are vessels that carry blood throughout the body. HBP increases the risk for heart attack, stroke, aneurysms and kidney failure.


Blood pressure is the amount of force that blood exerts against arterial walls. It is measured by two sets of numbers. Systolic pressure is pressure in the arteries when the heart beats. Diastolic pressure is pressure in the arteries between heart beats.

Blood pressure medications have been shown to help reduce HBP; however, these medications also have unpleasant side effects. Fortunately, you don't have to resort to prescription drugs to treat HBP. All of the followings foods have been shown to help lower blood pressure.

1. Watermelons

Watermelons can help combat HBP by preventing arterial walls and veins from hardening. According to a study published in the American Journal of Hypertension, L-citrulline is a natural, edible amino acid in watermelon that can help normalize blood pressure. L-citrulline's sister amino acid is L-arginine, which isn't tolerated by people with HBP. The L-citrulline in watermelon was well tolerated by HBP participants in the study, which converts into L-arginine after it's consumed.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries have more antioxidants than any other berry, which can help lower HBP by fighting against free radicals. According to a study published in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, daily blueberry consumption improves blood pressure in postmenopausal women with pre- and stage 1 hypertension.

Blueberries have made their claim to fame as a superfood. The most powerful antioxidants in blueberries are anthocyanins, which are responsible for the dark blue color of blueberries. You can incorporate blueberries into your morning breakfast, either as a juice, smoothie or cereal topping.

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

Vitamin D: The Benefits of the Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D: The Benefits of the Sunshine Vitamin

There are five different types of Vitamin D (D1, D2, D3, D4 & D5), but D2 and D3 are the only types that our bodies can use. When something just says “vitamin D” it is generally referring to D2 or D3 (or a combination of the two).


Vitamin D is a prohormone, which is the precursor to a hormone. In its raw form (sun exposure, foods, supplements), Vitamin D is inert and has to go through a series of complex biochemical reactions before your body can use it. These reactions produce calcitriol, which is the form of Vitamin D that is used by your body (D2 and D3).

Vitamin D is one of the only vitamins that your body can produce by itself. What is the catalyst that gets your D production going? Good old-fashioned sunshine! It’s the ultraviolet-B radiation (UVB) that enables vitamin D production to occur in the skin.

Vitamin D is produced in equal amounts in both people with fairly pigmented and darkly pigmented skin after exposure to UVB radiation (sunlight) [1]. Sunlight is important for Vitamin D production, but the strength of sunlight and the intensity of UVB exposure can be affected by season, distance from the equator, and even personal habits. If you have a job that keeps you indoors during daylight hours, or you work nights, you don’t produce as much Vitamin D as someone who is outside for at least ten to fifteen minutes each day.

Suntrex D3

Vitamin D can be supplemented by eating the right foods. See my previous blogpost about foods containing Vitamin D.

Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays an important role in bone building by enabling calcium uptake by your body. It is also very important for healthy immune system function[2] and may help lower your risk of contracting colds [3]. Vitamin D also helps confer innate immunity which may protect your body from the influenza virus [4].

Vitamin D has had a positive effect on many different diseases, including multiple sclerosis [5], arthritis [6] and even cancer [7]. Children with higher vitamin D levels are less likely to suffer from asthma [8] and allergies than those who are vitamin D deficient. Mental agility might be maintained by adequate levels of the vitamin, especially in the elderly [9].

Because Vitamin D promotes calcium absorption, it is important for bone mineralization (hardening), which keeps your bones strong and supple. A sufficient amount of Vitamin D helps prevent joint discomfort.

There is also evidence suggesting that Vitamin D may play an important role in weight loss [10], both in adults and in children. Some researchers are exploring whether vitamin D may act as a natural protector from low levels of radiation [11], such as the background radiation we receive from sunlight and other sources.

Symptoms and Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

There are no clearly defined causes of vitamin D deficiency, however the obvious culprits are not eating right and a lack of activity in general, but especially outdoor activity. Adults and children who have poor diets are especially at risk. Risk factors for being vitamin D deficient include race, gender, and lifestyle, including time spent watching TV, playing video games or sitting in front of the computer.

Suntrex D3

People at high risk of having Vitamin D Deficiency Syndrome (VDDS) are often those who suffer from other disorders, such as autoimmune diseases, heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic pain and fatigue, and certain cancers. Symptoms for some of these disorders can be lessened by taking a Vitamin D supplement or eating more foods with vitamin d. Read more

What is Livatrex®?

What is Livatrex®?

  • Livatrex
  • $26.95
  • [Learn More]
  • Livatrex is a blend of powerful herbs supporting detoxification and normal function of the liver and gallbladder.

Livatrex® is an energetically enhanced, 100% all natural blend of powerful organic and wildcrafted herbs. It's specially formulated to support normal function and detoxification of the liver and gallbladder!

Cleansing your liver is a natural process designed to detoxify, flush and purge the liver of fatty deposits, built up toxins, and accumulated stones. Liver stones are formed when excess lipids crystallize into small pebble size stones.

A Brief History of the Invention of Livatrex®

Livatrex® is the result of unparalleled ancient wisdom reinterpreted in the light of modern equipment and analysis.

The history of Livatrex® is based on our Spagyrex® process which was invented during my research on the root cause of disease. I found that all disease is caused when the body becomes so contaminated with toxic residue from our daily lives that our own internal self-healing mechanism is suppressed. These toxins come from air, food, water, beverages, harmful organisms, stress, radiation and many other potential sources.

This led us on a journey to create the most powerful herbal liver cleanse product on the market. It all started by studying the works of the most famous 16th century healer, scientist and alchemist, Paracelsus.

Paracelsus, composed the word Spagyria (Spagyry), which means to extract (spao) and combine (ageiro). The word was used to describe the process and power of transmuting a preparation of herbs into an elixir of health and longevity.

Dr. Group took this original technology and advanced the science and art of spagyry-based processes.

Our Spagyrex® process combines ancient and current technologies to create a revolutionary, multi-step, proprietary alchemy and spagyry-based processing technique. This follows the principle of separating and recombining all the elements of an herb, to extract the most powerful essence of its healing nature. This results in a Harmonious Organic Supercharged Extract.

The Top 5 Reasons You Need A Liver Cleanse

A healthy liver helps digestion and supports proper body weight.
Promotes the elimination of liver stones.
Cleansing your liver helps overall body detoxification.
Rejuvenates energy levels.
Look and feel younger!
Find out how healthy your liver is by taking our free 2 minute liver test.

Shocking Statistics About Liver Health

According to the National Center for Health Statistics, chronic liver diseases are among the most common causes of death in the United States.
Almost 26,000 people in the US die each year from cirrhosis, The American Liver Foundation warns that alcohol abuse contributes to most incidences of cirrhosis.
Up to 20% of the population has liver stones and gallstones
A poor diet is a major contributor to most liver problems and toxic buildup.
More than 900 prescription drugs can injure the liver and 80% of all cases of liver toxicity are caused by drug reactions.
29 million Americans have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
90% of heavy alcohol drinkers develop fatty liver disease.
6,000 - 10,000 liver transplants are performed yearly in the United States.
Drinking tap water can lead to the storage of arsenic in the liver.

Health Benefits of Liver Cleansing with Livatrex®

Supports digestion and elimination of toxins.
Helps the liver efficiently break down fats.
Promotes healthy lipid profiles.
Revitalizes energy and vitality.
Revitalizes memory and clarity.
Helps control cravings for sugar and fatty foods.
Purges the liver and gallbladder of stones.
Detoxifies fatty deposits and buildup

We Asked Our Customers What They Liked About Livatrex®...

"Very happy with the product! This was bought for my mom who lives with liver dysfunction. She took it with distilled water - one teaspoon per 8oz - four times a day with great results in regularity and bloated stomach. I will continue to buy this and try it for myself." ~ Octavian D. Iosup

"Livatrex Is The Fountain of Youth! My physical ability to eat poorly changed completely because of Livatrex. Once the toxins are released from your body, you feel like a clean slate. You feel better overall as a human being. If you stay healthy, you always feel healthy and good about yourself." ~ MrsTetzlaff

"Within five days of using Livatrex I noticed a huge difference. After years of doing low carb diets my liver and gallbladder were sluggish. Within five days of using Livatrex I noticed a huge difference. I felt like everything was being processed so much better and I definitely felt much better. I highly recommend Livatrex." ~ Brenda Duncan-Smith

Why Livatrex® is Risk-Free For You To Try

We are sure you will see and feel the health benefits of Livatrex®.
If you aren’t absolutely satisfied...if you aren’t feeling better, you’re protected by our...

100% No-Risk 180-Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with your results, just let us know and we’ll send you a prompt refund. No questions asked.

Order Livatrex®Learn More About the Complete Liver Cleanse Kit

Why is Livatrex® the Best Liver and Gallbladder Cleansing Product?

Livatrex® is...
100% true alcohol free.
Vegan Safe and GMO Free.
Kosher, Halal and Vegan Safe.
Helps eliminate toxins from the liver.
Made with organic and wild cultivated herbs.
Made in the USA using Eco-friendly sustainable manufacturing.
NEVER Tested on animals.

Livatrex® is the only liver cleanse product on the market which uses a Spagyrex® processed blend of powerful herbs that support detoxification and normal function of the liver and gallbladder. These herbs work synergistically to soften and break down stones.
Our trained customer service team is available to answer questions during your liver cleanse.
Livatrex® includes an easy to follow, step-by-step, daily plan.
Livatrex® comes with a no-questions-asked, money back guarantee.

What are the Top 3 Questions People ask about Livatrex®?

1. What can I expect? Everyone's cleansing experience is unique but many people report that they feel better, reenergized, and detoxified. Some people have reported passing stones from their liver and gallbladder. Stones can be tiny, sand-like granules or up to the size of a quarter. They are commonly mixed in fecal matter and difficult to see. Other forms of toxic material trapped in the liver, gallbladder, and intestines may also exit the body during the cleanse.

2. How long will it take to cleanse my liver and gallbladder? Each liver cleanse takes 5 days to complete and the best results come from repetition. You will be scratching the surface of years of accumulated toxins with only one liver cleanse. It is highly recommended that you repeat the Liver Cleanse three times in a row with a break of 5 to 10 days between each session. If you do not want to perform the five day liver cleanse, using the maintenance instructions, Livatrex® can be used by itself to slowly and effectively cleanse the liver and gallbladder. In order for you to achieve the same results of one 5-day liver cleanse, you will have to follow the maintenance protocol for 3 months.

3. How will I know when my liver is clean? Results vary depending on diet, exercise patterns, age, and, physical and emotional stress levels. The liver and gallbladder are never 100% clean since their intended function is to metabolize toxic material. Most people require a minimum of three initial cleansing sessions followed by one or two maintenance cleanses per year. Many indications resolve spontaneously after the second or third. Others may take 6 or 7 consecutive cleanses and require the identification and resolution of supplementation, external environment, emotional trauma, nerve damage, etc.

Liver and Gallbladder Cleaner - Livatrex

Additional Tips for Liver Cleansing

Diet: Practice a whole food diet. The majority of your diet should consist of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and raw nuts and seeds. These types of food contains a greater amount of oxygen, enzymes, and other nutrients without toxic pesticide residue. Purchase organic and free-range meat and poultry whenever possible to reduce pesticide, synthetic hormone, and antibiotic contamination.
Water: Drink half your bodyweight in ounces per day (bodyweight in pounds divided by two). Drink distilled or purified water. Avoid tap water! Evaluate the purity of the water you consume and use. Most public water contains chlorine, fluoride, and other pollutants. Distilled water is good but over time can leach nutrients. Adding raw organic apple cider vinegar to distilled water rectifies this. Purified water can also be used.
Enzymes: Age, illness, poor diet, disease, heredity, and other factors can affect the production of digestive enzymes in the pancreas. It has been estimated humans have enough enzymes to break down 1 cooked meal daily for 120 years. If you have digestive disorders or want to supply your body with enzymes, VeganZyme™ is a potent plant-based digestive and systemic enzyme formula.
Exercise: Exercise regularly -- nearly every day. Include both aerobic exercise and strength training in your routine. Stretching exercises such as yoga or Pilates are beneficial. Water aerobics are excellent for people that suffer from joint problems or other debilitating conditions. Exercise supports elimination of toxins from the body. As always, please consult with your physician prior to starting an exercise routine. Rebounding on a mini trampoline is also a great way to achieve better health by improving aerobic condition, flexibility, and energy levels.
Air: Consider the purity of the air in your environment. Indoor air pollution is often substantially high because most people use toxic products in cleaning and maintaining their homes. We recommend installing a Guardian Air REME+ Air Purification System to help improve the indoor air quality throughout your entire home. Read more