The Role of Oxygen in Healing the Body
“Healing” is a word that gets thrown around a lot and it’s important to understand exactly what it means. Healing means getting your body back into a balanced, functioning state. Think of it like balance scales – the kind you might see at a courthouse. When you’re sick, one side hangs lower than the other. When you’re healthy, they’re level.

Your body wants to be in balance and will seek to heal itself if it’s out of balance. Or, at least, it will try to. What’s the deciding factor? Oxygen. Oxygen is necessary for injured tissue to heal [1] Researchers at Ohio State University found that wounded tissue will convert oxygen into reactive oxygen species to encourage healing. [2]
What Are Reactive Oxygen Species?
Reactive oxygen species, also known as oxygen radicals or pro-oxidants, are a type of free radical. A free radical is a molecule that lacks an electron but is able to maintain its structure.
To most people, that doesn’t mean much. We just hear from marketing messages that free radicals are bad. Which is true… when your body is not in control of them. When in balance, your body actually uses free radicals to heal. It has everything to do with the nature of oxygen
Oxygen is an element with eight protons and eight electrons. In this state, oxygen is completely neutral. Oxygen likes to share its electrons; that makes it reactive. Sometimes when it shares an electron or two, it doesn’t get them back. When that happens, oxygen becomes an ion, meaning it’s missing an electron. Ionized oxygen wants to replace the electron it’s missing. In this form, oxygen becomes singlet oxygen, superoxides, peroxides, hydroxyl radicals, or hypochlorous acid. These forms of oxygen try to steal an electron anywhere they can, this can be destructive.
Forms of Reactive Oxygen Species
Singlet Oxygen
This radical form of oxygen can act in one of two ways. It can trigger the genes inside a cell to start cell death. Or, if it encounters a lipid or fatty acid, it will oxidize the lipid. [3] Think of it like corrosion.
We’re still learning about superoxides but it seems they affect how the body destroys cells and manages wound healing. [4]
Hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorite help heal tissue. [5] Oxygen radicals form when hydrogen peroxide interacts with reduced forms of metal ions or gets broken down and produces hydrogen radicals. Hydrogen radicals are destructive. [6]
Hypochlorous Acid
Hypochlorous acid contains oxygen and chloride. It can affect tissue through chlorination or oxidation. [7]
Effects of Reactive Oxygen Species in the Body
Every time your muscles contract, you produce and use reactive oxygen species. High-intensity exercise causes reactive oxygen species levels to increase, leading to fatigue and muscle failure. [8] The energy created by mitochondria creates reactive oxygen species. Exposure to tobacco smoke, alcohol, toxic metals, pollution, chemicals, germs, and stress also creates reactive oxygen species. [9]
When your body can keep up with and remove unneeded reactive oxygen species, you remain in balance. If reactive oxygen species become too abundant, the oxidative stress can be overwhelming. It’s at this point that antioxidants are a helpful defense against free radicals
How Oxygen Fuels the Body
Every cell in your body requires oxygen. Every breath supplies blood with oxygen to be carried throughout your entire body. Oxygen is converted to energy in a process known as cellular metabolism.
What Else Does the Body Need for Healing?
Oxygen isn’t the only factor that contributes to the healing process. Your health can quickly fall apart if your body doesn’t eliminate waste and toxins. Accumulated waste in the intestines or colon means that toxins are lingering in your body.
Simple steps can help keep your digestive tract clear. Drink plenty of water, exercise, and regularly cleanse your colon, liver, and kidneys. Oxy-Powder is an oxygen-based colon cleanse formula that releases monoatomic oxygen into the digestive tract to support digestion, soothe the colon, and ease occasional constipation.
by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
1. Sen CK. Wound Healing Essentials: Let There Be Oxygen Wound repair and regeneration?: official publication of the Wound Healing Society [and] the European Tissue Repair Society. 2009;17(1):1-18. doi:10.1111/j.1524-475X.2008.00436.x.
2. Ohio State University Department of Medicine. Scientists Identify a New Role for Oxygen in Wound Healing Last Accessed February 26, 2016.
3. Triantaphylidès C, Krischke M, Hoeberichts FA, Ksas B, Gresser G, Havaux M, Van Breusegem F, Mueller MJ. Singlet oxygen is the major reactive oxygen species involved in photooxidative damage to plants Plant Physiol. 2008 Oct;148(2):960-8. doi: 10.1104/pp.108.125690. Epub 2008 Aug 1.
4. Chen Y, Azad MB, Gibson SB. Superoxide is the major reactive oxygen species regulating autophagy Cell Death Differ. 2009 Jul;16(7):1040-52. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2009.49. Epub 2009 May 1.
5. Jaimes EA, Sweeney C, Raij L. Effects of the reactive oxygen species hydrogen peroxide and hypochlorite on endothelial nitric oxide production Hypertension. 2001 Oct;38(4):877-83.
6. Aprioku JS. Pharmacology of Free Radicals and the Impact of Reactive Oxygen Species on the Testis Journal of Reproduction & Infertility. 2013;14(4):158-172.
7. Spickett CM, Jerlich A, Panasenko OM, Arnhold J, Pitt AR, Stelmaszy?ska T, Schaur RJ. The reactions of hypochlorous acid, the reactive oxygen species produced by myeloperoxidase, with lipids Acta Biochim Pol. 2000;47(4):889-99.
8. Powers SK, Ji LL, Kavazis AN, Jackson MJ. REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES: IMPACT ON SKELETAL MUSCLE Comprehensive Physiology. 2011;1(2):941-969. doi:10.1002/cphy.c100054.
9. Pham-Huy LA, He H, Pham-Huy C. Free Radicals, Antioxidants in Disease and Health International Journal of Biomedical Science?: IJBS. 2008;4(2):89-96.
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PCBs found in 10 fish oil supplements
A California lawsuit is accusing several fish oil supplement manufacturers of selling fish oils that contain unsafe levels of polychlorinated biphenyl compounds, also known as PCBs. The state's Proposition 65 requires products that may contain toxic ingredients above safe levels to have warning labels for consumer safety.

Five supplement companies, CVS and Rite Aid drug stores, and Omega Protein, Inc., the world's largest producer of omega-3 fish oil, are all named in the suit, which the plaintiffs hope will bring light to fish oil contamination problems. They also hope to see more accurate labeling of fish oils that includes specifics about contaminants like PCBs; that way, consumers will be able to make better decisions about which kinds are safe to buy.
The PCB chemical family consists of 209 different chemical compounds, all of which were tested for in the lawsuit by a California lab. That same lab also tested each of the product samples for 12 of the most toxic PCB compounds. It then evaluated each sample in terms of daily exposure to PCBs overall, and daily exposure to PCBs in terms of toxicity.
The brands tested included Nature Made, Twinlab, Now Foods, Solgar and GNC. Each brand included various types of fish oil, including cod liver, shark liver and salmon. Those that tested the lowest for PCBs contained one-70th the amount of those with the highest levels, indicating a significant difference in contamination among various brands, and types, of fish oil.
According to David Roe, the man who filed the lawsuit in San Francisco's Superior Court, the oils that tested highest exceed California's daily limit for PCBs by a factor of ten in terms of cancer risk. On the same token, some of the oils tested very low, and are not of particular concern to consumers.
Both Nature Made and Twinlab issued immediate responses to the lawsuit in defense of their respective brands' safety. Erin Hlasney from the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), a supplement industry trade group, also came to the defense of fish oils in general, explaining that they have been used safely for decades.
But the plaintiffs contend that it is not enough to simply say that a product meets guidelines; consumers have a right to know how a product actually tests for contaminants once it arrives on store shelves. Many brands claim that their fish oils have been purified and treated to reduce or remove contaminants, but few actually explain to what extent these toxins have been removed.
For complete details about the case and to view the fish oil test results, please visit
Sources for this story include:
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GMO industry hacks and shills trying to claim that healthy eating is a 'mental disorder'
We live in an age of pseudo-illness, from obesity to ADHD. These "diseases" are cooked up in the imaginations of doctors and psychiatrists who attach a label to any arbitrary list of symptoms. In the latest gambit of intellectual chutzpah, scientists at the University of Northern Colorado claim that people with a passion for nutrition may be suffering from a mental disorder.

The latest pseudo-disorder to take the academy by storm is called orthorexia nervosa (ON), which is characterized as "a pathologic obsession for bio-logically pure and healthy nutrition," says Ryan M. Moroze, MD. In other words, if you strive to maintain healthy eating habits, according to these loons, you just might have a problem.(1)
The researchers deduced the "disorder" from a case study on the obsession of eating healthy. The psychologists behind the study insist that eating healthy can turn against you if you insist to know where food comes from, how it is prepared and what goes into it. Symptoms include taking extra time to prepare food and setting guidelines about what you will and will not eat.(1)
The hell of being healthy
Any obsession has the potential to become dangerous. But where do the risks lie? Thomas Dunn, associate professor of psychology at the University of Northern Colorado, who co-authored the paper suggests:
Such draconian diets can lack essential nutrients, and they make the vitamins and minerals a person does get from meals of exclusively, say, leafy greens, impossible for the body to absorb. This can lead to fragile bones, hormonal shifts, and cardiac problems, along with psychological distress and entrenched, delusional thinking.(1)
Never mind the fact that more than 90 percent of the food system is littered with processed foods, which have been produced with lots of carbohydrates, sugars and trans fats, and little nutrients. Nor the fact that major diseases – real disease – that plague the United States are very much food-related, including heart disease, cancer and diabetes. According to food expert Michael Pollan, this is the first time in history when people can be both overweight and malnourished.(2)
In response to American's health epidemic, health professionals, doctors and Big Pharma have pumped out a steady stream of pills and medications to treat the diseases, both real and fictitious, that they created. In actuality, our primary source of medicine should come from food – not doctors.
Are you a certified health enthusiast?
How can you tell if you are "suffering" from orthorexia? Not to fear: Dr. Dunn has created an arbitrary list of symptoms. Other than the first symptom, if you identify with two or more of the following, congratulations! You qualify as a certified health enthusiast:
1. You consume a nutritionally unbalanced diet because of concerns about "food purity."
2. You're preoccupied about how eating impure or unhealthy foods will affect your physical or emotional health.
3. You rigidly avoid any food you deem to be "unhealthy," such as those containing fat, preservatives, additives or animal products.
4. You spend three or more hours per day reading about, acquiring or preparing certain kinds of food you believe to be "pure."
5. You feel guilty if you eat foods you believe to be "impure."
6. You're intolerant of other's food beliefs.
7. You spend an excessive proportion of your income on "pure" foods.
While everyone should be concerned about the purity, safety and healthiness of the foods they eat, it is important to always remember to eat a well balanced diet, which means incorporating a wide variety of different plant-based foods.
"Orthorexia has not yet found its way into the latest edition of the psychiatric bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), yet is commonly being lumped in with other eating disorders," notes investigative journalist Jeffery Jaxen.(1)
"Stepping back and looking at the ones pushing this label on us shows highly questionable motives. Psychiatry as a whole is deeply in bed with a pharmaceutical industry that makes the drugs to 'treat' every one of these 'disorders.' It is often these companies that are wielding influence behind the scenes to invent more mental health categories with their toxic products as the answer," he added.(1)
Sources include:
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5 Remedies for Leaky Gut
Digestion is a complex process with many moving parts and there are many steps along the way for something to go wrong. One of the more increasingly common disorders is a condition known as “leaky gut.” Leaky gut, otherwise known as intestinal hyperpermeability, is when perforations develop and allow undigested food and toxins to pass back into the body. Sound like a problem? It is. Leaky gut can be the starting point for anything from food intolerances to inflammatory bowel disease. If leaky gut is a problem for you, you have options, and here are five to get you started.

1. Water
One of easiest things you can do to defend against leaky gut is to stay well hydrated. Chronic dehydration causes constipation. This, in turn, allows bacteria to linger and inflame the intestinal lining, leading to—you guessed it—leaky gut.
2. Probiotics
Your gut is home to lots of bacteria—good and bad. Sometimes an imbalance can occur and the bad bacteria can take hold. When that happens, regaining balance is of vital importance. A probiotic supplement can help replenish the good guys and soothe and calm an unsteady gut environment. [1]

3. Digestive Enzymes
Taking digestive enzymes before eating a meal is an excellent way to help ensure your food is properly digested, lessening the chance that partially digested food will cause more harm to your body. In addition, studies also suggest digestive enzymes can help encourage a healthy bowel environment. [2]
4. L-Glutamine
L-glutamine is an essential amino acid with anti-inflammatory properties that works by coating cell walls and protecting against irritants. Studies suggest it could aid in the repair and growth of the intestinal lining and reduce some of the problems associated with leaky gut. [3]
5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet is another way to combat inflammation. Some research even suggests omega-3s could work to alleviate symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. [4] There are a couple ways to get more of this nutrient; you could consider a supplement, or simply eat more fatty fish, like salmon. If you’re a vegan or concerned about some of the aspects of eating fish, that, of course, limits your options.
Is leaky gut currently a problem for you? Have you tried any of these five remedies, or do you have another to share? Leave a comment below and share your thoughts.
by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
1. West, N. P. et al. Probiotic supplementation for respiratory and gastrointestinal illness symptoms in healthy physically active individuals Clinical Nutrition. 33 (4).
2. Olendzk, B. C. et al. An anti-inflammatory diet as treatment for inflammatory bowel disease: a case series report Nutrition Journal. 13.
3. Rapin, J. R. & Wiernsperger, N. Possible Links between Intestinal Permeability and Food Processing: A Potential Therapeutic Niche for Glutamine Clinics (Sao Paulo). 65 (6).
4. Simopoulos, A. P. Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Inflammation and Autoimmune Diseases Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 21 (6).
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Stage 4 cancer survivor speaks the truth about cancer
A diagnosis of cancer can bring immense fear, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness. Most newly diagnosed patients and their family members will listen closely to what their physician tells them is the best avenue for treatment, then follow that advice, relying completely on a course of radiation or chemotherapy to slow their cancer. But that way of combatting cancer - without changes to diet and lifestyle – never provides the cure.

The failure of Western medicine: Most conventionally-trained doctors focus exclusively on surgery, radiation and chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer - but, there is a much better (safer) way to overcome a cancer diagnosis. On the next NaturalNews Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Charles Majors, author, natural health advocate and 'terminal' cancer survivor talk about how to eliminate the threat of cancer cell growth and rebuild a healthy immune system.
Creating a blueprint for cancer-free living
Over 1.6 million new cancer cases are diagnosed each year in the United States and 1,600 people die – every day - from this disease, according to the American Cancer Society. Western medicine offers no solution: Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the U.S., exceeded only by heart disease.
Unfortunately, even those who are deemed to be in remission following conventional medicine's approach to treating cancer are likely to experience recurrence down the road, cutting short their cancer survival. The problem is that conventional treatment methods focus on shrinking tumor cells, but do not get at the root cause of cancer. Over time, cancer cells simply come back because nothing has changed to prevent their regeneration.
In September 2010, chiropractor Dr. Charles Majors was diagnosed with an incurable bone marrow cancer metastasized to his brain. Rather than relying on rounds of radiation and chemotherapy designed to extend his life, he chose to leave conventional medicine behind. Instead, he applied the same principles he had been teaching for years to reverse his own cancer. He not only survived, but thrives.
Don't miss it: On the NaturalNews Talk Hour, you'll learn about what really causes cancer and, more importantly, what you can do to help heal yourself from even the deadliest forms of cancer – naturally.
This week's guest: Dr. Charles Majors, Stage 4 cancer survivor, author and doctor of natural biological medicine
Dr. Charles Majors has devoted over 15 years studying health and healing to prevent and reverse diseases through natural methods. He received his bachelors of science degree from the University of Illinois, then went on to receive his doctorate degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic.
Over the course of fewer than 10 years, Dr. Majors has opened five chiropractic clinics and became a popular speaker on natural health and disease prevention. Following a diagnosis of incurable bone marrow cancer that metastasized to his brain, leaving him only weeks to live, he undertook a rigorous approach to restoring his health, utilizing the same principles he had been teaching that made him a popular lecturer and speaker over the past decade. Not only did he survive, but his health has been restored.
Learn firsthand from a cancer survivor what cancer is and how it gets started. Hear Dr. Majors' recommendations for using diet and lifestyle to kill off cancer cells and rid yourself of disease during the next NaturalNews Talk Hour with Jonathan Landsman and his special guest, Dr. Charles Majors.
To hear this FREE show – visit and enter your email address for show details + FREE gifts!
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The Rise of the Obesogens
Dietary advice relating to weight gain have been simple–the more you take in than you can burn off, the more weight you tend to gain. It seems that the calorie in, calorie out approach to weight loss is not only outdated, it’s also ineffective in some cases. While no one is arguing the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise regime on maintaining a healthy weight, there is more that goes into weight gain than meets the eye. Obesogens are one of the main factors, and public health officials are calling them one of the greatest health threats of our time.

What Are Obesogens?
Obesogens, as reported by US News, is another term for endocrine disruptors, environmental compounds that trigger an unfavorable response in hormone equilibrium. [1] Your hormones control practically every function you can think of, from maintaining mood to regulating proper energy levels. It turns out that when your hormones are disrupted by a foreign compound, like bisphenol-A (BPA), you’re more likely to see fluctuations in your weight. [2] Exposure to obesogens can come from any place imaginable, and some are so well hidden that it’s practically impossible to avoid 100% of the time.
Fortunately, there’s a great deal of research being conducted on the effects of obesogens, their prevalence, and the best ways to deal with their obstructive toll on the human body. The study of endocrinology has made us highly aware of some of the top endocrine disruptors–or obesogens–in our environment that may be contributing to the obesity epidemic in the United States.
These include:
- Bisphenol-A. Found mainly in commercial plastics. BPA can seep through food contained in plastic containers.
Fire retardants. Commonly used in the production of furniture. These chemicals are inhaled in the home and damage thyroid health.
- Phthalates. These chemicals are also found in plastics. Route of exposure is mainly through water consumption, with research linking them to thyroid disorders, obesity, and cancer.
- Air pollution. Breathing in air pollution on a consistent basis is associated with hormone disruption and obesity.
- Pesticides. Most pesticides are consumed through food or breathed in through air exposure. These chemicals have been directly linked to weight gain, most notably by thyroid suppression.
As you can see, these chemicals are everywhere. Using glass to contain your food and beverages, choosing organic whenever possible, and reducing your outdoor and indoor air pollution exposure are all helpful protection methods. If you are experiencing weight gain from a known thyroid disorder, you might want to consider studying up on the many different endocrine disruptors you may unknowingly be exposed to. Knowledge of these compounds can go a long way in protecting you from a host of health issues, not just obesity.
Are you aware of the obesogens in your life? What do you do to avoid them? Please share your tips in the comments!
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
1. Magaly Olivero. Obesogens: the Evironmental Link to Obesity US News.
2. Song Y, Hauser R, Hu FB, et al. Urinary concentrations of bisphenol A and phthalate metabolites and weight change: a prospective investigation in US women Int J Obes (Lond). 2014 Dec;38(12):1532-7. doi: 10.1038/ijo.2014.63.
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