BPA chemical exposure linked to infertility, obesity, diabetes and neurological problems
by: David Gutierrez
BPA, phthalates, infertility
(DrEddyClinic News) Exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates, has been linked to a wide array of health problems, including infertility, diabetes, obesity and neurological problems, according to a scientific statement by the Endocrine Society.

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals http://www.chemicals.news/ that mimic or disrupt the action of hormones in the body. Because hormones control so many delicate bodily functions, the health implications of such disruption are enormous.
Now a study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan, and published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, has demonstrated another potential effect of endocrine disruption: lower vitamin D levels.
"Nearly every person on the planet is exposed to BPA and another class of endocrine-disrupting chemicals called phthalates, so the possibility that these chemicals may even slightly reduce vitamin D levels has widespread implications for public health," said first author, Lauren Johns.
"Vitamin D plays a broad role in maintaining bone and muscle health. In addition, low vitamin D levels http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=33209 have been implicated in outcomes of numerous conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer."
Are plastics chemicals causing autoimmune disease?
The new study focused on two separate classes of EDCs: the chemical BPA, found in everything from plastics to food cans; and phthalates, which are found in medical tubing, soft plastics, food packages and even cosmetics and children's products.
The study was conducted on 4,667 adults who had participated in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between 2005 and 2010. The researchers tested the participants' urine for metabolites of BPA http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=32616 and phthalates, and compared these results with blood tests for vitamin D levels.
The researchers found that people with higher exposure to phthalates had significantly lower levels of circulating vitamin D. This effect was even stronger in women than in men.
The researchers found that women with higher BPA exposure also had lower vitamin D levels.
"More research is needed into why an association exists, but it is possible that EDCs alter the active form of vitamin D in the body through some of the same mechanisms that they use to impact similar reproductive and thyroid hormones," senior author John D. Meeker said.
Although it is called a vitamin, vitamin D is technically a hormone. It can be produced naturally by the body from sunlight exposure or absorbed through the diet.
Sunlight more important than ever
Globally, low levels of vitamin D are considered a major public health problem; that's because vitamin D plays a critical role in regulating several bodily systems, particularly the immune system.
Previously, scientists thought that vitamin D was only good for helping to build strong bones and teeth. But they now know that levels of vitamin D high enough to maintain bone health can still be low enough to cause autoimmune diseases, cancer, susceptibility to infection, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Low vitamin D levels have also been linked to dementia and even schizophrenia.
According to a 2010 study, between 50 and 90 percent of a person's vitamin D is produced by their own body. In fact, it is relatively easy for the body to generate 10,000 IU of the vitamin per day, given only moderate exposure to the sun.
The greatest factors contributing to vitamin D deficiency are insufficient time spent outside, ultraviolet (UV)-blocking behaviors such as use of sunscreen or heavily covering clothing, and living at a latitude far from the equator. People with darker skin – which blocks UV radiation – are also at higher risk, particularly if they have another risk factor.
All it takes to get enough vitamin D though is less than an hour of (sunblock-free) sun on your face and hands each day. For very pale-skinned people, it may take only 15–30 minutes – significantly less time than it takes to burn.
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How Probiotics Assist a Colon Cleansing Program
(DrEddyClinic News) Simply put, probiotics http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=32283 are living microorganisms that assist your bodies natural balance. They can be delivered in a number of ways, but most often are found in live fruits and vegetables, liquid or capsule forms. One of their most popular functions is the promotion of intestinal balance and general digestive health, which means they also make a great compliment to your colon cleansing routine.

Colon Cleansing and Probiotics
In addition to removing unwanted waste matter, colon cleansing http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33509 also helps restore the natural balance of your intestinal flora. That’s because cleansing helps to remove the harmful bacteria that compete with the natural flora for resources. Sometimes though cleansing isn’t enough — such as when the resident flora population is already too low. That’s when probiotics can really make a difference.
Some probiotics are transient microorganisms meaning they temporarily make a home inside your body. While there, they assist the positive permanent bacteria that lives in your body. It’s kind of like a good friend who stays with you when your sick.
Some Important Tips to Remember About Probiotics
By adding more beneficial bacteria to your body, you help to ensure that your system is able to better maintain itself after a cleanse is complete. When using a cleanser such as Oxy-Powder, It’s recommended that you wait until after cleanse is finished, otherwise, the probiotics may be flushed out before they can have any real long term effect.

Once you’ve entered into the maintenance stage of your cleansing program, you should also be carful to time when you take your probiotics so that they are not flushed out prematurely. Waiting 4 to 6 hours after you take your maintenance dose of Oxy-Powder is ideal. That way the beneficial bacteria has an optimal intestinal environment to work within.
Probiotics also assist a colon cleansing program by keeping the lower digestive tract ready for future cleansing. It’s cyclical. Cleansing helps the body prepare for the introduction of beneficial probiotic bacteria. And that bacteria helps prepare the body for deeper cleansing.
Which Probiotic Should I Use?
Finding the right probiotic to compliment your colon cleansing program can be a difficult task. There are countless cleansing options out there, and just as many probiotics. Unfortunately they’re not all created equal. Some work great, others do little or nothing, and others still have the potenially to do serious harm.
Oxy-Powder http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=30713 is safe to use with any quality probiotic, because it’s specially designed to be non-reactive. That said, we have noticed the best result using Latero-Flora, which is why we also include it in so many of our kits.
Latero-Flora uses a unique patented strain of Bacillus laterosporus http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=32284 derived from microorganisms found in Icelandic soil. It’s specifically engineered to help populate the intestines with the ideal form of beneficial bacteria to support optimal digestive health. We’ve also found it to be especially effective for people with food sensitivities and generalized gastrointestinal discomfort.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM
Recommended Reading:
- 10 Foods That Assist a Colon Cleansing Program http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33927
- The Health Benefits of Oxygen Colon Cleansers http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33506
- Know Your Poop: The Bristol Stool Scale Explained http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33939
- The Dangerous Truth About Herbal Colon Cleansers http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33928
15 Foods That Act Like Natural Laxatives
(DrEddyClinic News) How often do you find yourself eating foods that cause constipation http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=33935? If your answer is “often,” then you are not alone. Be proud of yourself for admitting the truth and for writing it down, because that is a great starting place to begin taking proactive action steps, consistently over time, toward improving your health.

Laxative Foods - Bananas
Common sense tells us that if we can willfully walk into a bad situation, then we can certainly choose to walk out of one. The key here is to never lose hope and to take action!

The following fifteen foods possess a natural laxative effect, which can help relieve common symptoms of constipation http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33347, as well as many other intestinal ailments. Before you start taking laxatives or stool softeners, try incorporating more of these “laxative foods” into your diet. You will be surprised at how well they work.
15 Natural Laxative Foods
1. Raw Fruits
Fruits like bananas, apples, melons and a variety of berries http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33344 are extremely high in liquid-content, which helps the body wash out toxins. They are also very easy to digest and high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber and many important vitamins like vitamin C.
- Bananas: High in fiber and a natural bulk-producing laxative, bananas are great http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=33937 for promoting easy digestion. Since bananas are high in potassium, eating a banana a day will help restore valuable electrolytes to your intestinal tract. Additionally, they contain a natural compound called fructooligosaccharide, which can help encourage beneficial bacteria in your intestinal tract.
- Apples: The high pectin levels in apples stimulate the bowels and also provide bulk for bowel movements. One of the best natural laxative foods is organic apple cider vinegar. Just pour a small amount into a glass of purified water and drink it in the morning.
- Melons: A melon is a great way to start the day because they are one of the easiest foods to digest. Melons actually proceed directly to the intestines when consumed. If they are held up in the stomach by other foods, they will decompose quickly and ferment.
- Berries: Extremely high in antioxidants, berries rank among my favorite foods. I recommend the following 8 berries to consume during a colon cleanse and on a daily basis afterwards – Blueberries, strawberries, bilberries, cranberries, blackberries, Goji Berries http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=33330, acai berries http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=33349 and cherries.
Note: When possible, consume fruits and vegetables that are organic (pesticide free), seasonal, and fresh.
2. Prunes
Recognized as “nature’s laxative,” prunes are naturally rich in antioxidants, vitamin A, potassium, iron, and dietary fiber. Additionally, prunes provide beneficial bacteria to the intestines, thereby making it a great addition to any colon cleansing diet http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33927.
3. Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
As mentioned earlier, one of the best natural laxative foods is raw apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=32987 may help improve bowel irregularity, thereby removing toxins from the body at a faster rate. Beneficial ingredients in raw apple cider vinegar include potassium, pectin, malic acid, calcium, ash, and acetic acid.
Only raw organic apple cider vinegar has the “mother of vinegar” made up of living nutrients and bacteria, which help make us feel better, look better and feel energized. I personally use Bragg’s organic raw apple cider vinegar on a daily basis. I would recommend this brand of apple cider vinegar over any other brand currently on the market.
4. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of the oldest and most popular medicinal plants known to man. The bulk of the aloe vera leaf is filled with gel, which is approximately 99% water. The other 1% contains over at least 75 known nutrients including 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, 200 active plan compounds called phytonutrients, enzymes and of course, water.
Besides from growing your own aloe vera plant and using its gel, you can also drink aloe vera juice http://www.globalhealingcenter.com/supplements/aloe-vera-juice.html?a_aid=141637&a_bid=cee9fa8f on a daily basis. Packed full of nutrients, aloe juice will also help provide quick constipation relief http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33512.
5. Cayenne Pepper, Ginger & Tumeric
Cooking foods containing spices like organic cayenne pepper http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=34115, ginger and turmeric http://bit.ly/Turmericroot help with digestion, and act as great laxative food agents. For example, Cayenne pepper has many health benefits, one of which stimulates the digestive tract, increasing the flow of enzyme production and gastric juices. Organic, fresh ginger (fresh ginger tea) is considered one of the best spices for maintaining regular digestion. Turmeric is considered the liver’s spice. Turmeric helps boost liver detox http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=30735, by assisting enzymes that actively flush out known dietary carcinogens.
6. Citrus Fruits: Lemons, Oranges & Limes
These citrus-wonders (notice they are acid fruits) have the greatest detoxification power. They aid the body in flushing out toxins, as well as jump-start the digestive tract http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=32613 with enzymatic processes.
Remember, vitamin C is one of the best detox vitamins around, as it transforms toxins into digestible material. One orange will provide you with approximately 12-15% of your daily recommended fiber.

7. Raw Vegetables
- Carrots: High in pectin, they add bulk to stool and can stimulate bowel contractions in addition to being natural body detoxifiers.
- Onions: Contain an antioxidant called Quercetin, which is a flavenoid. They contain Vitamin E http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=32131, Potassium, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, and Fiber. Onions are known to relieve congestion and allergy symptoms, and help to reduce cholesterol http://www.dreddyclinic.com/findinformation/hh/highbloodcholesterol.php. In addition, they remove heavy metals from the body, and help fight cancer of the lungs, bladder, ovaries, and breast.
- Garlic: Just a small amount of this pungent white bulb, which holds high amounts of allicin and selenium (two natural compounds that aid in liver cleansing) has the ability to activate liver enzymes that helps your body flush out toxins. Adding sliced or cooked garlic to any dish will help aid any detox diet. Additionally, garlic also contains unique properties that make it an excellent fighter against stomach cancer.
- Broccoli and Cauliflower: Eating broccoli and cauliflower will increase the amount of glucosinolate in your system, adding to enzyme production in the liver. These natural enzymes help flush out carcinogens, and other toxins, out of our body which significantly lowers our risk of cancer.
- Cabbage: Much like broccoli and cauliflower, eating cabbage helps flush out toxins, and helps soften the stool during bowel movements. Try eating more kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage soup and sauerkraut.

Laxative Foods - Tomato
8. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are great laxative foods, rich in Vitamins C, A, and K. Tomatoes provide you with approximately 10% of your daily fiber needs. Additionally, they are very high in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect you from developing colon cancer and prostate cancer http://www.dreddyclinic.com/findinformation/cc/prostatecancer.php. If possible, I recommend buying locally-grown, organic tomatoes.
9. Omega-3 Oils
Omega-3 oils http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=33213 such as hemp, flax-seed, avocado or olive oils are great natural laxative cooking food agents, especially when flushing out toxins. These oils will help lubricate the intestinal walls, allowing the toxins to be absorbed by the oil, and eliminated by the body.

Laxative Foods - Leafy Greens
10. Leafy Green Vegetables
When you are ready to detox your body, fill your refrigerator with blue green algae http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=34193, barley, bitter gourd, wheatgrass, kale, spinach, dandelion greens, spirulina, alfalfa, chard, mustard greens, chicory, arugula or other organic leafy greens. Why? They act as great natural, laxative foods high in dietary fiber, calcium, folic acid, Vitamins K and C, and magnesium – all essential nutrients necessary for your body, digestion, and overall health. Furthermore, this will help increase the creation and flow of bile, the substance that removes waste from the organs and blood.
11. Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=33158 improves digestion and bowel function, relieves pain and irritation caused by hemorrhoids, reduces inflammation, and supports tissue healing and repair. The best kind to get is organic raw unprocessed extra virgin coconut oil. This will assure you that your product is unrefined, certified organic by USDA standards, and contains no added chemicals or genetically modified additives.
12. Avocados

Laxative Foods - Avocado
Avocados are packed with beneficial nutrients such as dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin k and folate. If you eat one avocado a day, it will provide you with approximately 30% of your daily fiber needs. Furthermore, avocado contains Lutein (a carotenoid along with Vitamin E), Magnesium, and monounsaturated (healthy) fats. Avocado helps fight cancer of the mouth, breast, and prostate, and improves skin tone. It also improves absorption of nutrients in other foods.
13. Broccoli Sprouts
Extremely high in antioxidants, broccoli sprouts can help stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract like none-other. The sprouts are actually more effective than the fully-grown vegetable.

Laxative Foods - Walnuts
14. Raw Seeds and Nuts
Incorporate more of the easily digestible raw seeds and raw nuts into your diet. These would include flaxseed, pumpkin seeds http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=33109, almonds, walnuts, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=33536, siberian cedar nuts and sunflower seeds. They are all rich in fiber, Vitamin E, protein, zinc and other essential nutrients.
15. Beans, Peas & Legumes
Beans, peas, and legumes are low in both fat and cholesterol, and help with digestion. Beans and legumes are high in fiber and protein, therefore great protein substitutes.
Remember to Drink Plenty of Water
Last, but most definitely not least, water is one of the best natural laxative sources for relieving constipation http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33512! Every day, drink 8 glasses of purified or distilled water. Water is vital to your body, makes up approximately 80 percent of your body weight, and helps moisten the intestines, regulating bowel flow.

Take an Oxygen Colon Cleanser
Another unlikely consiptation remedy, is to take an oxygen based colon cleanser, like Oxy-Powder http://dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=30713. They have been clinically proven to help relieve constipation, as well as cleanse out any toxins lingering in your digestive tract. You don’t have to commit to a complete colon cleanse http://bit.ly/dreddyclinic-oxy-powder to experience the benefits, either. We get many positive reports from people who take 4-6 capsules before going to bed and experience relief when they wake up the next morning.
-Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DABFM
Recommended Reading:
- 4 Types of Foods that Cause Constipation http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=33935
- 10 Foods You Can Eat During a Colon Cleanse http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=33927
- 6 Constipation Remedies That Will Provide Quick Relief http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=34123
- IBS Diet: How to Follow a Balanced Diet with Irritable Bowel Syndrome http://www.dreddyclinic.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=33934