IntraMAX® is a completely organic, liquid, trace mineral, multi-nutritional dietary supplement. A potent all-in-one formula, It contains over 65 organic, trace minerals, health-promoting superfoods and phyto-nutrients. It's low glycemic, vegetarian, hypoallergenic and has no chemicals. Quite simply, IntraMAX® is the most advanced, clinically proven nutritional supplement you can get!
IntraMAX®, IntraKID®, and IntraMIN® represent Drucker Labs' IntraLINE products. Created using the proprietary intraCELL Technology, IntraLINE nutraceuticals are the most effective nutritional supplements available.
Why organically bound minerals are essential to your health.
A Brief History of IntraMAX®
Dr. Richard Drucker, M.S., N.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Richard Drucker
IntraMAX® was created by Dr. Richard Drucker, M.S., N.D., Ph.D., a highly respected doctor in the field of natural health and founder of Drucker Labs. For twenty years, Dr. Drucker has perfected the selection of essential ingredients to create an impressive line of liquid nutritional supplements that are recommended by chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, and family medical physicians all over the world.
Drucker Labs manufactures and distributes the most complete, top of the line, all-in-one liquid nutritional supplements anywhere. Their products are available exclusively through Health Care Practitioners and their name has become synonymous with nutritional excellence and integrity.
What are the Top 5 Reasons You Need IntraMAX®?
1. IntraMAX® is THE Ultimate Multivitamin
Compare it to any other product and you'll see for yourself that IntraMAX® is the most scientifically advanced, clinically proven, health promoting organic vitamin available today!
2. Highly Bio-Available Nutrition
IntraMAX® uses the power of fulvic acid to deliver bio-available nutrients for maximum absorption.
3. Helps Fill Your Nutritional Requirements
Compare the labels, IntraMAX® contains more potent, organic nutrients than most people consume in their diet. It's an absolutely incredible way to fill the gaps in your nutritional requirements and support good health.
4. Doctor Formulated and Approved
Created by Dr. Richard Drucker, M.S., N.D., Ph.D., a highly respected doctor in the field of natural health, IntraMAX® is clinically tested and proven!
5. Unparalleled Production Quality
IntraMAX® is created with proprietary CellV™ Technology which provides pH balance and enhances vitamin, enzyme and nutrient absorption.
Shocking Statistics and Information
- The Physicians Desk Reference advises vitamins are 98% absorbed in liquid form but only 20% in pill.
- Linus Pauling, two-time Nobel Prize winner, said, "Every disease is directly linked to a mineral deficiency."
- Minerals are absolutely required by the body, in fact, 95% of bodily processes directly require them.
- Senate Document 264, issued back in 1936, warned of mineral deficiencies affecting the nation's farmland:
"99% of American people are deficient in minerals and a marked deficiency in any one or more of the important minerals actually results in disease!"
"The alarming fact is that fruits, vegetables and grain now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us no matter how much of them we eat. No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect health because his stomach isn't big enough to hold them."
"The truth is that our foods vary enormously in value, and some of them aren't worth eating as food. Our physical well-being is more directly dependent upon the minerals we take into our systems than upon calories or vitamins or upon the precise proportions of starch, protein or carbohydrates we consume."
What are the Benefits of IntraMAX®?
IntraMAX - Liquid Multi-Vitamin
- Replaces all other multivitamins!
- Provides optimum daily allowance of all essential vitamins and nutrients!
- Promotes maximum energy, stamina, and vitality!
- Supports the immune system and autoimmune recovery
- Antioxidant effects reduce free radical damage
- Promotes mental clarity!
What Do People Like Best About IntraMAX®?
"The results have been excellent! I have been using intraMAX now for about eight months. The results have been excellent. I have experienced substantial improvement in the quality of my life. I've literally stopped taking prescription drugs." ~ Mel Renfro - Former Dallas Cowboy
"Why use anything else??? This is a great supplement that contains all the vitamins and minerals you could ever want. So glad a friend introduced it to me. Won't use anything else now!" ~ Mary
"Changed my life! I've been using this for about a year now and I've never had anything that has worked so well. I would HIGHLY recommend this product to EVERYONE, even if you don't have anything wrong, it will enhance your life! Thank you for making this supplement, and please don't ever stop making it!!!!!" ~ Diane
Why is IntraMAX® the Best Multivitamin Available?
- Proprietary manufacturing process is 100% pure, no harsh chemicals or toxins AT ALL.
- Organic and all natural ingredients are naturally chelated with fulvic acid for nearly 100% bio-availability.
- IntraCELL V Technology promotes detoxification by surrounding toxic, inorganic molecules with organic carbon.
- Contains true, organic microcomplexed carbon-based trace minerals and nutrients.
- NO wheat, yeast, gluten, corn, soy, animal products, dairy, antibiotics, starch, herbicides or pesticides.
- IntraMAX® is ULTRA-hypoallergenic and designed for people with chemical sensitivities.
- Every bottle is given an inert, protective coating prior to being filled to ensure chemical-free purity.
- Available in 32 fluid oz. full size or 2 fluid oz. travel size.
What are the Top Questions People Ask About IntraMAX®?
1. Why is IntraMAX® a liquid? IntraMAX® is produced without heat and the liquid form preserves its carbon-bond organic state. Additionally, according to the Physicians Desk Reference, vitamins are up to 98% absorbed when in liquid form but only 20% when in taken as a pill or powder. The September 24, 2008 edition of Chiropractic Economics had an article comparing the two, available here.
2. Why are organic minerals important? Two words: soil depletion. Soil contains microorganisms that make minerals for plants. When chemical fertilizers kill those microorganisms, soil depletion is the result. In 1936, Senate Document 264 warned that plants grown in destroyed soil lack minerals our bodies need for nutrition. IntraMAX® provides over 72 minerals extracted from organic humus.
3. What role does fulvic acid play in the efficacy of IntraMAX®? Simply put, fulvic acid is effective at making plant complexes and organic trace minerals more bio-available to the human body. Additionally, fulvic acid is a powerful antioxidant and is tied to immune system function.
Additional Tips for Best Results
- Keep it in the refrigerator! IntraMAX® contains living, organic material and must be refrigerated to slow oxidation.
- Food can impact intraCELL V Technology; take IntraMAX® by itself, do not mix into smoothies, juice, or food.
- Do not take pharmaceuticals or nutraceuticals 2 hours before or after taking IntraMAX®.
- Take IntraMAX® on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before or after food consumption.
- IntraMAX® is most effective when consumption is cycled. Take for six days, don't take it the seventh. Repeat.
- Drinking chlorinated tap water with IntraMAX® may cause a chlorine reaction and a temporary rash, chlorine-free filtered or bottled water is recommended. Read more